Saturday, August 31, 2024

Looking up and looking down

 The garage sale has been a success, lots of items found new homes. Most of what is left will be donated.

I was stung by a wasp in the morning, but he barely got me so no huge reaction just a little owwie and some swelling. Granddaughter Maddie spent the morning helping me with the sale. Jen and Andy helped on and off throughout their busy day. 

Here is my looking up photo..  Little Elvis is looking up but showing his age and is more senile than he was a few weeks ago. I have told him it is okay to just slip away in his sleep, but of course he cannot hear anymore, can hardly see…but his nose is still good. 

My looking down photo is a plate of steak that my talented son in law grilled for supper last night with salad and corn on the cob…it was all excellent. 

These were the left overs resting.  Nothing better than a great steak! 

I believe Far Guy will be coming to get me sometime today, then we will head back home together. 

Far Side

Friday, August 30, 2024


 Lots of stuff for sale Up North

At least the rain stopped!

Garage is ready for the big sale. Sadie has been really good staying under the check out table near my feet.

Lots of good conversations with different people. Sales could be better but they are what they are.

Far Guy managed his infusion back home all by himself, he will be back to pick me up one day soon. 

Far Side

Thursday, August 29, 2024


 A few photos today.

Faithful dogs

Unexpected visit from Great Grand Cee Cee, on the couch and no idea why she is here lounging with juice and crackers watching movies.  I suspect she was just needing a bit of special attention.

Far Side

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

2nd grade!

 Our Great Grandson Hey Mikey begins 2nd Grade.  School started yesterday in North Dakota. 

I hope he likes 2nd Grade as much as I did.  

My 2nd grade teacher was a neighbor lady by the name of Mrs. Z. she was a gifted kind teacher.  I believe the worst thing I did in 2nd Grade was talking too much in the lunch room...imagine that!  There were 19 children in my classroom back in 1958.

Have a great year Hey Mikey!!

Far Side

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 When I woke up yesterday morning it looked very much like a sauna out the windows...steamy, humid and hot.  It had rained during the night...I heard it thunder. 

I did some mowing so that it doesn't get too long before I get back to mow some more.   In this weather the grass sure grows. (Similar to being in a Greenhouse I guess)  Monday was the last of our very warm days for  a bit...back to the 70's again...:)

Window boxes in town just beginning to show a few Dahlias.

We are getting a few more Yellow Pear Tomatoes everyday. 

Far Side

Monday, August 26, 2024

Really Dog Days of Summer

 Really warm and humid yesterday, the kind of day that dogs dig holes so they can curl up in some cool dirt.  Another 83F/29C with 85% humidity.  

It was a good day to spray some weeds in amongst the rocks.   After sprayer difficulties I finally got it done.   That was enough outside work for the day.  Inside I cleaned the bathroom and did some know fun stuff.   Far Guy convinced me to go to lunch/supper with we did was a nice drive and good food at our favorite Mexican place.  Came home had a nap and then for a Ranger ride.  

We stopped by the neighbors, the Lilac bushes are taking a hit this year.  A Winter with no snow and a wet Spring/Summer and the Lilacs have some kind of blight.   They will come back although they look pretty bad right now.  The experts say to clean up all the leaves that have fallen off and to cut down some of the inner stems to open up the plants for more air flow. (That is my report for Roger!)

I am getting ready to go Up North for a bit...Far Guy has an appointment up there one day and down here at home the next he will travel back and forth and come get me when he misses me.  My hip simply cannot take the ride back and forth and back again. Besides that Sadie and Little Elvis will like my company. Jen has some big projects and hopefully I will be of some help. 

Far Side

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Warm Spell

 We are having another warm spell 83F/29C  and rising for a couple of days this week.  Maybe it is Summers last hurrah. 

Photo of the hanging flower baskets in town this year. 

The roadside sweet corn stands are open, the going price is $6.00 per dozen.  It is tasty!  

My other baby brother says the road construction that we have been dealing with all summer is supposed to be completed by Labor Day weekend.  We will see. 

Far Side

Saturday, August 24, 2024


 We ran an errand into town, Far Guy needed to go to Fed X  to get a box.  I have been trying to get a parking spot outside of Ben Franklin for weeks.  ( Cause I needed some yarn...yes I really did!)  So anyways Far Guy dropped me off and picked me up...stopping traffic both times..oh well we could have been tourists.  (There is center parking and street parking, so traffic often stops for people crossing the street. )

Now I have a question for all my readers.  ???

If you were driving 5 miles over the speed limit 60 in a 55 zone and a car was following you close and wanting to pass so bad that they passed you in a no passing zone...double yellow lines because it was a hill you could not see over the other side to see if anything was coming...what would you do except hold your breath and say a quick prayer that nothing was coming???  AND say you just happened to speed up enough to see the License Plate number...because you see during the Detour we have had all Summer traffic is heavy and there were many cars in front of me.  Then perhaps I followed the car part way home because they just happened to be going past our driveway...but headed further on down to the lake..and I am very curious to go and look at all the license plate numbers.   

What would you do?  Would you go look..out of curiosity...out of delayed road so want to write a note and leave it with the date and time just incase it was a teen driver...maybe it would save a life someday??? 

Far Side

Friday, August 23, 2024

So it goes

 We are only assured of the here and tomorrow. 

Like I said so it goes.  

I have a cousin who has lived in Alaska for many years.  She died recently, she was 68 years old.  She had bypass surgery and was released from the hospital, was in the car ready to go home when she said "something was not right" her husband took her into the ER immediately and she died shortly after.   

I am happy that I mailed her two packets of old photos of her family...she sent me some very nice thank you cards.   She loved her life and family in Alaska.

Old photo taken about, my baby brother and our cousin Diane.  ( Her mom and my mom were sisters)
Far Side

Thursday, August 22, 2024


I had an eye appointment, it all went well and after some further testing that I do every year since I am a Glaucoma suspect, I am certain that I will get the all clear.  My Ophthalmologist is retiring the end of September.  So it is a good thing I am getting everything done before he retires.  Six hours after the appointment I still have dilated pupils and can hardly wait for the sun to go down. 

Look at the Yellow Pear tomato plant!  Only a few tomatoes have ripened so far but there are many coming on.

The sheep water tank works great there are two plants that were planted, they had such intertwined roots that Far Guy planted them together.  They are almost as tall as the garage. 

Far Side

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 The lawns are still actively green and growing here.  We had rain last week and I could not mow for several days.  I was a bit behind.  Usually I have things under control in the rotation. 

 This is one of the places I mow.  The lawn looks great, I had to go over the overgrown spots a couple of times.  It is a pretty lawn, not many chokecherries there this year and few to no wild raspberries along the edges.  I saw no signs of bear activity over there. 

Usually by mid August the grass stops growing...not so this year. 

Far Side

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

55 Chevy

 There was a very nice 1955 Chevy Bel Air at the car show last weekend. 

It was a very pretty car. 
Far Side

Monday, August 19, 2024


 We got two flats of peaches from the local Lion's Club fundraiser.  Every year they truck in peaches from Colorado.   They have excellent flavor.

We went easy on ourselves this year...usually we slip the skins on the peaches...this year I pealed them and sliced them.  (better than Far Guy standing over a hot stove),  Far Guy put a small amount of sugar on them and some fruit fresh and then vacuum sealed them into servings for two. (about a peach and a half) They they were put in the deep Fall and Winter we will enjoy them because they are as good as fresh! 

What a sticky mess we made!

I have a story about my Dad and Peaches.   I used to dog sit for Al and Erna the next door neighbors.  They had a poodle named Peaches.  She got along well with our dogs, so it was not a problem.   My Dad would often come over in the afternoon for a cup of coffee/cookies and he would bring along a paperback novel hidden in his coat pocket, he would settle in with his coffee and his book in the recliner and read for awhile.  (My Mother did not like him wasting time reading at home.) When I was dog sitting Peaches...Dad would say "OH you have Bitches again."  I would reply her name is Peaches...Dad would answer  "Bitches" and then he would proceed to give her bits and pieces of cookies and say "come here Bitches"...and so my afternoon would go.   I told him he better be careful when visiting the neighbors because he could mess up the poor dogs name.  I can still hear him laughing at me!

Far Side 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Winner Winner

Yesterday we went to a Car Show at the Wolf Lake Harvest Festival.  The wildfire smoke stayed aloft so the air quality was ok.

Many people stopped to visit with Far Guy about Tilly.  Apparently the car or my husband was a big hit with all those Finlanders! 

He won the Grand Prize for the most Outstanding Car in 2024.  Besides the trophy he got a cap, a cup and a $50 gift card.  Winner Winner! No chicken dinner but the gas card isn't half bad.

It was a good day, a bit warm but we managed. 

Far Side

Saturday, August 17, 2024


 We have many visitors hat go through our yard.  Chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, fox, skunk, raccoons,  porkypines, deer and bear.   We even have a black and white kittycat...not a skunk.  

Sometimes the visitors blend in with the environment. 

Yesterday we needed the skunk spray. There was a strong odor of skunk just outside the bedroom window.  If you opened the window you could really smell it...but outside it seemed ok.  We mixed up a batch of skunk odor remover and put it in a spray applicator and Far Guy put it on all the rocks on that side of the house. 

This week we visited with old friends from Iowa, Ginny has been coming on vacation to this area since 1951...and she has only missed a few years.  We met Ginny and her husband Mike in 1973.  I had some old photos that my Mom had kept of their family.  So they enjoyed the blast from the past! 

Far Side

Friday, August 16, 2024

Who knew?

 I did not know what a Thermador was.  Do you?

I could not resist looking inside. 

As I understand it there is water inside the cooler and some absorbent material that soaks up the water as air flows into the Thermador the inside air is cooled...somewhat.   Some people call this a swamp cooler because sooner or later the air in the car will have high humidity!

Who knew?  Not me. 

Far Side

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Oh Crap

 The bear is still in our area, eating chokecherries and messing up ant hills.  

He left a calling card.

He has all but torn down our cedar fence in the wild gardens.

Chokecherry bushes broken off in our driveway.


We have not seen him in the daytime ...yet.  My husband tells me that the bear would be afraid of my lawn mower when I am out mowing...and just maybe the bear has heard that I am too cranky to mess with.  

Apparently the bear likes the ants...they must be a delicious. 

Far Side

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Queen - agers

 Usually I am not impressed with stuff on Facebook but one of my friends posted that older women should be known as Queen - agers.  That is a nice thought. 

I am not much for the political drama, I will leave it all in God's hands.  In fact I am just too old for any kind of drama.  The latest drama is a prior authorization for a med that Far Guy uses...he has been after a new prescription for about six weeks is one thing after another...the Dr didn't write it correctly, the Dr changed it, have the Dr resend the script, the Dr ordered a quantity not covered by insurance, you need a prior authorization is an on going drama. 

Enough of that.  

We are getting fresh sweet corn now and it is wonderful!  So we are planning meals around sweet corn...grilled cheese, brats, moons over my hammy....they all work well with sweet corn.  

On Sunday we went to our favorite Mexican place with my baby brother, she who sees robins first, Jen and Andy. We did not get our favorite waitress but she stopped by to say Hi!  Jen and Andy came to visit the old folks...Jen vacuumed out the sauna and Andy blew out my dusty garage and dumped the shop vac for me. We had a fun time with Sadie...she loves all the sticks in our yard. 

 I am still waiting for a referral to the Orthopedic Dr and a referral to a different Rheumatologist.  The Rheumatology Dept needs a referral then it goes to a committee to see if you should be seen by Rheumatology, then to another group to assign you a Doctor and then you get an appointment.  So it could be months. 

Far Side

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 Far Guy's Dad would be 110 years old today.  He died shortly after his 80th birthday.  That was 30 years ago. 

He was a very kind, wise man.

Marvin with his Willys - Knight.  He liked cars. 
Far Side

Monday, August 12, 2024


 Our oldest Great Grandson rides a dirt bike and a quad.  He was in age appropriate races at a County Fair.  Yes he wears a helmet too!

Here he is with his youngest sister Peach.

Peach is all smiles with a little help from her brother to keep moving! 
Far Side

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Tilly's Rich Sister

 Tilly attended the car show in Park Rapids yesterday.  She is looking fine.  Far Guy spent a number of hours making sure she was as perfect as she could be for the car show. 

Tilly has "stuff"  a Drive In Theater speaker and a take out tray with A & W mugs. 

Now meet Tilly's rich sister Sugar Plum.  She belongs to Pat and Mona from up north. 

Sugar Plum has all the bells and whistles that can be on a 1959 Desoto...versus pain jane Tilly. 

Pat and Mona's Sugar Plum Desoto won two trophies...Lion's Choice and Best Orphan.  We are very happy for them!! 

It was  a bit cool especially early in the morning...I was thankful for a coat.  Far Guy said it was 44F when he got up.  We had a good time visiting with a number of friends and relatives during the car show.   We came home and had a nap..or in my case a sleep as daughter Jen as said " Mom a nap is two hours or less." 

Far Side

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Will it rain?

 We had two days of rain, there is an inch plus in the rain gauge.  It was time to mow a couple of areas. 

Will I get wet...I am not sweet enough to melt.  It was a cool day 64F  or 18C eh.   I added a hooded fuzzy jacket and brown gloves to my mowing attire.  This is the driveway into my baby brothers shop.

It got pretty dark but it did not rain.   After mowing I went home and had a nap. 

Far Side

Friday, August 9, 2024


 I read true sisters by Sandra Dallas.  It is historical fiction.  It is based on the Martin Companies Mormon Handcart Journey in 1856.    I give it an 8 out of a 10.  The conditions the settlers faced were very difficult.  Basically they walked 1,300 miles.  

This was my inbetween book club read.  It is heavy on the Mormon religion from a women's perspective.

Far Side

Thursday, August 8, 2024


 One night we were out just before dark, three deer were eating beans in the field.   A doe and two fawns. 

They all crossed safely in front of us. 

They like beans...just ask my sister in law she who sees robins first.  She has a raised garden just outside of her door and they have eaten all her beans. 

Far side

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 The bear visits many times a week.  The outside cameras catch him coming from the North pausing in our yard and taking off to the South.  He is most likely hunkered down in a den someplace close to us.   So far he has been seen only at night.   He is causing heck with the chokecherries trees, he pulls them over sometimes breaking them to get at the chokecherries that are starting to ripen. 

Far Guy says when the wind is just right he thinks he can smell the bear.  he is not just a cute cuddly bear cub either. 

We have no bird feeders out for him, and our garbage that is in a locked garage is not accessible. So he is not eating here...apparently just passing through. 

Such is life in the country.

A photo I took of the video. 
Far Side

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Gone to the dogs

 Little Elvis and Sadie were very happy to see us!  Little Elvis took his sleeping spot at the foot of my bed on his special dog bed.  Sadie was a frequent visitor in the evening and in the early morning.  What can I say ...she loves us.  

Here she is sharing the sexy red bra she was carrying around.  Far Guy is one of her bestest friends! 

She is all retriever!  It is her job. 

Far Guy and I both had Doctor appointments.  

The Cardiologist said Far Guy is doing good and he should come back in six months. 

My Doctor is reducing one of my blood pressure meds in hopes that I regain some lost kidney function.  He will run more blood tests in a month.   He wants me to follow up with Orthopedics to discuss injections in my knee and hip before thinking about surgery.  He was not well versed in Rheumatology to offer an opinion on RA meds.  Pain meds would probably have the bad side effects like the Cymbalta.  ( I never want to do that withdrawl again.) He suggested an alternative to pain meds...and since we live in Minnesota where more options are legal I will give that a try. 

Far Side

Monday, August 5, 2024

Travel day

 On Sunday we traveled Up North for Doctor appointments on Monday. Had supper with Andy and Noah, watched Andy mow the lawn and we played with Sadie. She sure was happy to see us. Jen has been on vacation in Michigan and Andy just returned from a robotics tournament at the Mall of America.  It is a very busy household.

Fun to see all the different flowers in bloom vs snow banks that we see in the Winter.

Far Side

Sunday, August 4, 2024


 The potato salad turned out great, I got to see some of my cousins so it was a good day.  My sister stopped by and we went through my moms jewelry box.   Cross something off my list...I have a few things that my brothers need to look at...and there is plenty of beautiful jewelry for little girls to play dress up with:) 

After the picnic I came home and had a really long nap...although maybe it was a four hour sleep....who really knows for sure when naps end and sleeps begin.   It was a warm day it was 87 F or 31C eh!

A long time siblings and our parents.  That pin that Mom is wearing was one of the pieces of jewelry that was in the jewelry box, there is a matching set of earrings.  ( My sister likes pins so it became hers) This photo was most likely taken in about 1971 or 1972. 

Far Side

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Warm Days

We have a few more days of highs in the 80's and then back down into the 70's.  I like 70's.  

I cooked 8 pounds of potatoes and 20 eggs for potato salad for a gathering on Saturday and mixed up the goop, I may get it mixed up yet Friday night after I write this blog entry...we will see what appeals more to me...a whirlpool bath or the mixing of the eggs, potatoes and goop.  I am also doing laundry inbetween cooking and of course making supper...salmon for Far Guy and hamburger for me....along with a bit of potato salad.  

 After this I am taking a vacation from cooking for three days...I am done...I am all cooked out. We can eat fruit. 

My Mom's Lilies a few years ago.

Far Side

Friday, August 2, 2024

Book Club : August

 The Book Club gathered at a local park for a book exchange, snacks and a discussion of the book The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post by Allison Pataki.   It is historical fiction....that is the type of book I like best.

This was one of my selections to read.  I give it an 8 out of a 10.  It was an enjoyable read.  It might have gotten a 9 out of 10 but about 20 pages of the book were missing and replaced with a different book.  Frustrating for this reader...the other gals had to brief me about the goings on in those 20 pages.  I put the book in the paper recycling bin so it won't happen to anyone else. 

I took a few books to exchange and brought just as many back home. Not that I need another book in this house.  

Far Side