Saturday, August 31, 2024

Looking up and looking down

 The garage sale has been a success, lots of items found new homes. Most of what is left will be donated.

I was stung by a wasp in the morning, but he barely got me so no huge reaction just a little owwie and some swelling. Granddaughter Maddie spent the morning helping me with the sale. Jen and Andy helped on and off throughout their busy day. 

Here is my looking up photo..  Little Elvis is looking up but showing his age and is more senile than he was a few weeks ago. I have told him it is okay to just slip away in his sleep, but of course he cannot hear anymore, can hardly see…but his nose is still good. 

My looking down photo is a plate of steak that my talented son in law grilled for supper last night with salad and corn on the cob…it was all excellent. 

These were the left overs resting.  Nothing better than a great steak! 

I believe Far Guy will be coming to get me sometime today, then we will head back home together. 

Far Side


  1. Awww...sweet Elvis...our pups are getting up there, as well.
    Steak looks good!!

  2. I remember when Little Elvis was, well, little and young. Time flies.

  3. Our internet has been down TWO days while they are replacing and repairing cables on the newly expanded highway close to our subdivision. It is good to catch up on everybody again. I knew you were at Jen's but did not realize it was for a yard sale. It looks like you had good weather for it. Did you have stuff in there, also?
    I sure do miss a really good steak and that definitely looks like one!!!

  4. Wishing Little Elvis a peaceful passing when he decides to go.
    Safe travels!

  5. It's hard to beat a good steak! Yum! Glad your rummage sale went well, but sad that Little Elvis is aging.

  6. People coming to garage sales are an interesting mix.

  7. That does look like a great steak! Sweet Little Elvis. ❤️

  8. Even if his ears can't hear his soul does. I so believe

  9. How can Little Elvis be getting old already.... dogs just don't live long enough.

  10. I'm glad you got to stay and help with the garage sale and spend some time there. Not glad about the wasp, though! Have a safe trip! :)

  11. Sad about Little Elvis, but, yes. it would be nice if we could all just slip away in our sleep when the time comes.
    Glad to hear the sale was a success.

  12. I'm glad the sale went well. That steak certainly looks delicious :)

  13. The steaks look delicious. I rarely eat steak, but I savor it when I do.

  14. I love steak. Looks so good. Glad the sale was a successs.

  15. Your dinner sure looks delicious. Hope you and far guy travel safely back home....tomorrow? Little Elvis is so's so hard to lose our pets but time marches on. Take good care!

  16. Goodness...that steak looks so good. I know you sure enjoyed it. Safe travels home when Far Guy picks you up. Glad the garage sale was a good one.

  17. That steak looks delicious. I do love a good steak! I feel terrible about Little Elvis but that time arrives for all of us eventually. I do wish God had planned for dogs to live longer with us. Hopefully you are Far Guy are back home by now. If not, safe travels my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  18. Elvis....what a sweetie. It's so hard to watch them age.


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