Wednesday, August 28, 2024

2nd grade!

 Our Great Grandson Hey Mikey begins 2nd Grade.  School started yesterday in North Dakota. 

I hope he likes 2nd Grade as much as I did.  

My 2nd grade teacher was a neighbor lady by the name of Mrs. Z. she was a gifted kind teacher.  I believe the worst thing I did in 2nd Grade was talking too much in the lunch room...imagine that!  There were 19 children in my classroom back in 1958.

Have a great year Hey Mikey!!

Far Side


  1. My second grade teachers was Mrs. McVay. She was a large woman who only wore mumus 365 days a year. I don't remember much else about her other than I think we got along just fine.

  2. Wow! He has grown up so much already. He's quite the handsome fellow. :)

  3. soo much promise daughter works in an inner city high school as a nurse to a handicapped student and she is horrified...LOL...she says it's hip hop high...

  4. Awww! 2nd grade! Hope it is a good year for you Hey Mikey!

    I was in constant trouble through grade school until 6th grade. Then things changed!

  5. Awe....he is a cutie and I hope he has a remarkable school year. Prayers for all our kids, that safety will surround them.

  6. I find it amazing that he's already that old. I remember when he was born!

  7. Have a wonderful time in Grade 2, Mikey!
    Our Eli is going into Grade 2 as well, but school doesn't start here until after Labour Day. They've both getting so big!
    My 2nd grade teacher was Mrs. Mahoney. She had taught my older brother (9 years older) and went on to teach my younger siblings as well. I thought she was old, but she was probably in her 50's. What I remember most is how kind she was - unlike our Grade 1 teacher who would dig her long nails into our scalp or arm if we misbehaved. I don't recall how many children were in the class though.

  8. He is so cute and growing quickly! He looks excited for school. If he is like our grandsons, he enjoys being with his friends.
    In second grade, there was a boy in the row beside me who drew - - what I thought - - were beautiful, life-like pictures of horses heads. He gave me one for a gift. Also, our snack - - - every day - - from the cafeteria was graham crackers and white milk in the little wax cartons.

  9. Goodness yes! I remember when he was born too. How old we are all getting.

  10. I remember when you posted about Hey Mickey’s birth. Wow, we’ve been visiting a while. I had great teachers who cared about their students learning and behavior. For the first few grades I thought the objective of each lesson was getting through as fast as one could. Never assume kids understand all the goals. Explain, explain💎

  11. What a cutie he is! I don't remember my teacher.

  12. I wonder how many people are in Hey Mikey's gr two class. 19 in a classroom is a dream and beneficial for the kids.

  13. I hope Mikey gets a nice teacher for the year ahead.

  14. I remember nothing from 2nd grade. I think my first memory was from the 5th or 6th grade.

  15. As long as he has a good teacher and some friends and isn't bullied it should go good

  16. Wishing Mikey a great second grade year!

  17. Look at that smile. :-) I hope Hey Mikey has a fantastic school year. Pipers loving middle school which is a great relief. I was afraid it would overwhelm her.

  18. Hey Mikey, I hope you have a great year and enjoy it all, as well as learn a lot.

  19. How on earth is Hey Mikey in second grade already! I loved grade school :-).


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