Friday, July 26, 2024

Warm Spell and Dreaming

 We are headed for a warm spell...low 90's /high 80's for the next ten days. 

Thursday is infusion day for Far Guy and I ran errands.   Everyone and their Uncle was in town.  Only one parking spot at the meat market and I got it so I didn't have to hobble a block or drive around the block until someone left a spot.  Two maybe three more weeks of tourists, many States start school in mid August.  

I mowed yesterday, next door and at my other baby brothers shop.  It was comfortable to mow in the shade.  I have designed the perfect lawn mower many times in my head...too darn old to put it to paper and give it a whirl.  I think about it when I should be a totally enclosed deck with four mulching blades that are easy to discharge chute...who needs grass flying in the air.  It would have room for two of my main sprayers...poison ivy killer and thistle killer and a spot for my branch cutter....maybe even an attachment that would come out on a robotic arm to trim the grass around trees....alas it is only a dream...but I can still see myself multitasking when I am mowing. 

Far Side

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Neighbors new puppy

 The neighbors Steve and Jo got a new puppy.  A tri color Aussie.   Her name is Toots. 

She is sure cute.

Typical puppy; sharp teeth and short attention span. 

Far Side

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Little blue flower

 I think these wildflowers over at my baby brothers are very pretty.

You can see Baxter provides a good back drop for flowers. 

I am not sure what the flowers are...they look like Forget me nots, but those are biennial and this is the first year wildflower planting. 

Far Side

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 I would not do this but it was fun to see and hear this fella the other night.  

Here is a pretty good side view of his flying contraption.

We were at the I managed the old windmill in the photo.

Monday was a quiet day, I killed some ants and did some laundry.  I put ribs in the crock pot, Far Guy made us a baked potato and green beans. 

We are getting some smoke from the wildfires up North. 

Far Side

Monday, July 22, 2024

Old Dogs

 Old dogs grow weary, their joints ache, their hearing and sight fail...but they have had a good life.

It is easier to recall them as puppies...recalling the puppy breath, sharp toe nails and teeth.  Puppies always make us smile. 

March of 2012 Steve and Jo next door neighbors got a little Aussie pup and named him Putzer or Putz for short.   He was a very special little puppy. 

Odda, Putz and our Border Collie Chance in 2012.  

These three were great friends, always happy to see each other and ready for a good game of chase.  Putz always greeted us, his whole body wagged.

Sadly Putz crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 2, 2024.  His nose was still good, but he couldn't hear or see much.  His faithful friends Odda (2009-2021) and Chance(2004-2018) were probably waiting for his arrival. 
Far Side