November 1st in Indiana the day started out cold…and there was snow on the patio furniture. Our hope was that during the day the weather would clear up and the sun would come out.
We had almost the whole day…the wedding was to take place at 5:30. Chance and I manned the fort with Ernie while Far Guy, Jen, Andy, Noah and Adam were out doing cave explorations. The dogs and I got Ron organized and looking dashing in his tux and sent him off. Cufflinks…who wears them anymore…and it was a good thing the tie was tied it only had to be adjusted to avoid strangulation.
No snow on the pumpkins or the Mum’s.
No snow or rain and the sun is shining! It was 44 degrees! It could be worse.

It was warm inside.

The cake…I watched the gal decorate the cake in place…it was interesting!

I kidnapped the groom for some photos in the Vineyard.

Here is the bride, Bethany and her father Ron.

They had a beautiful ceremony. The white cross is a unity cross.
The Unity Cross is actually a small sculpture. The outer part is placed on the wood stand by the groom it symbolizes his strength and boldness, the bride places the inner part which is delicate and beautiful. Three pegs which represent the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are placed into the sculpture securing the outside to the inside…that symbolizes God’s place in the covenant of marriage.

The happy couple…a bit chilly but happy!

The bride was beautiful!

The Mother of the Bride (Jan… Far Guy’s only sibling) and the Bride.

The Bride and her only and favorite Uncle… Far Guy. The wind was coming up and I made him wear his do rag.
It was a lovely wedding! We were happy to be there. We enjoyed a cocktail hour with hors d’oeuvres of smoked salmon, cheese and crackers, little meatballs, chips and salsa then after a short time the wedding meal was served. So we ate again, roast pork, champagne chicken, haricot verts, potatoes, gravy and buns. Then later we had wedding cake. There was wine available all evening…Far Guy and I didn’t have any…Far Guy cannot drink with his medications and me…well if I drink a half of glass of wine and I would be looking for a place to lie down and sleep.
After awhile the music started and there was a dance. We all danced at least one dance…and both of our grandsons danced with their Mother. We left the dance early… Andy, Jen, Noah and Adam’s plane was leaving early the next morning.
Chance was at the wedding too…he did just fine waiting in the car.