Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Mayor and a little snow

Our daughter Jennifer won the election with 56% of the vote.

She is the new Mayor!

Jen for Mayor

Photo of Jen used with permission.

I am certain she will do an excellent job, she has been a councilwoman for a number of years so she knows her way around her little town.  We are very happy for her and very proud!

We have been gone on an adventure. (more on that in the coming days) We returned late Tuesday.  We came home a little early because snow was forecast.


We are happy to be home!  Chance is too although he is a wonderful traveller.  He gets a bit bossy sometimes…he wants to play ball in the motel room at night and will bark at you so of course we play ball with him so he won’t bark.  Our last night in a motel he quickly claimed a bed by laying right across the pillows all stretched out.

We unpacked and I am doing a mountain of laundry.  We headed to the grocery store to fill the larders again…and spent some time returning phone calls, answering mail and turning our clocks back.  We voted absentee this year since we knew we would be gone on election day. 

This is our third snow.  I understand it snowed last week while we were gone.  I suppose this snow will stay…or more will follow shortly IF it melts.  The small ponds were frozen over this morning.

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  1. Congrats to Jen! All the best to her!
    This is a nice photo of Chance! Glad you guys are home safe.

  2. Well, congratulations to your daughter! I will be waiting to hear about details on your trip. Snow, yuck, we are supposed to get a dusting tomorrow, possibly.

  3. Congratulations to the new mayor! And welcome home, all of you. Glad you already got that snow stick out. :-)

  4. Congratulations to your daughter on becoming the Mayor of your town. What an adventure this is going to be for her and the rest of the family. She has learned from watching you her parents being community minded all these years. She will be a good public servant.
    We have a Boston Terrier, male, who blackmails us with barking if we won't surrender and play ball with him He is a real tyrant and yesterday I had to be very strict with him to avoid playing ball all day. I want to keep that up because getting worn out with playing fetch and tug of war. Enough is enough!
    Here in MPLS they say we might get some "slush" tomorrow. Nothing like what you already have there.

  5. Yea! So glad she was elected. She even looks like one to serve the people well,although having been a public servant, it is no piece of cake. Hopefully she can stand her ground for what she believes to be the right things to do. Love that Chance....knows how to get your attention!

  6. Well done to your daughter! That's awesome news... and I like the snow too.

  7. If you have to have snow - the best kind to get is "while you were gone" snow!

    Congrats to the Mayor!

  8. Congrats to your families ~ Mayor Jen in the house! I am anxious to hear about the adventure!

  9. Congratulations to your daughter! Looking forward to the Adventure Tales.

  10. Congratulations to your daughter! I hope she will enjoy her term and have great Minnesotans to work with.
    Pease keep that white stuff up there for a few more weeks. I have a few more leaves to rake. :-)

  11. Morning, Wow!!!! Congrats to your Daughter. Did you say the s word, not already. Blessings Francine.

  12. Congratulations on raising a civic-minded daughter. I know she'll do a great job!

  13. Hooray to Jen!!! And one of the most economical campaigns ever run.
    Glad you are home safely and we look forward to hearing about the adventure.

  14. You must be so proud! That is wonderful news! I simply cannot believe you are back into winter and snow again!

  15. Congratulations to your daughter. She has been trained by a wise couple so I know she will accomplish much.

  16. Sometime I will be glad to see the snow and to be out in it when it is quietly snowing and it looks great. Right now I don't think I like the looks of your snow at all.

  17. Congratulations to Jen! That is wonderful news!

    Too bad you had to cut your trip short, but hey, this is November. I was wondering how snow would figure into your plans. At least you are home safe. Now to catch up on everything you missed. There is no such thing as a vacation!

  18. Congratulations to your daughter the Mayor!
    Our snow is here to stay, cold weather and more snow predicted soon. I like a snowy winter so "bring it on"! But an early Spring would be nice too!

  19. Congratulations to the new mayor. Now you've got a big head start on me with the snow stick. We had plus 17 C (65 F) today.

  20. How exciting to have a mayor in the family! I bet you guys are so proud!
    Brrrr…. don't think I need to say more about that!
    I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventures.

  21. Congratulations, now good things can happen in her town.

  22. Winter....sigh! Congratulations on your daughter's win!!!


  23. Congratulations Jen and to the proud parents! LOL! What an accomplishment and like her Mom at the museum; contributing greatly to the welfare of her community.
    Snow, where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday you were mowing the lawn! Time to hunker down! We are getting that arctic blast along with you this coming week so yes, fill the larders, get out the long underwear and make sure the wood is piled high. Oh, and bake lots of cookies in case the electric goes out. LOL! That' me anyway....I have to have my homemade cookies! lLad you had a great adventure before Winter sets in...just in case it's a long one.


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