After visiting the wolves we headed to the North American Bear Center.

This is their sculpture surrounded by flowers.
We went on a tour that didn’t impress me. It was called a back stage tour. I thought the holding pens were small and that yes a bear in a cage will eat peanuts out of a persons hand…but what did that teach us?
Bear jail
After that tour we went outside to the parking lot and took photos of their flowerbeds.
The next tour was an hour later and was called an Enrichment Exercise.
There is inside viewing or outside above on a catwalk. We chose outside.
They threw some food out to get the bears attention, and then put some kind of feed in the feeder part of the bear scale.
They said that the bears are not particulary hungry this time of year as they are done bulking up eating everything in sight and are on the verge of hibernation.
The bears are fed lettuce, almonds, seeds, berries and grapes…oh an apples. Apples are thrown into the water on hot days .
The bear pool
They put some grapes in the tire that they threw out for the bear.
After the bear finished she sauntered off into the woods.
Jen and I talked about what we would do next as we figured the bear sighting was over when the bear came back.
This one only stayed a short time and took of into the woods also.
All of the bears there (four) have been rescue bears, several were raised in homes, some were rescued when their Mothers died. Two male and Two females…Ted, Lucky, Tasha and Holly.
The grave of one of their older bears was out near the flower beds. Honey came to the center as a ten year old along with Ted, a couple in Wisconsin had raised them but could no longer care for them.
This Center for Bears serves a purpose, it rescued bears that would have otherwise been euthanized. Their enclosure was 2 1/2 acres…and they let the bears out during different times of the day…not everyone gets along together.
We headed out for a little shopping and onward to Grand Rapids to the Trial Gardens before meeting Far Guy in Bemidji…we returned home safely Saturday night. It was a fun adventure!!