Had a quick visit with my other baby brother, she who sees robins first, Katie, Aubrey, Brooke and Olivia. They were in town for a basketball game, she who sees robins first had a bit of a cold so we met at Cabelas by the fish tank where there was a bench. Good to see everyone and wave at my sister in law!
They all would have stayed with us but they did not want to chance getting Far Guy sick.
I ran across this photo the other day.
My other baby brother, cousin Kevin and our Paternal Grandfather (Grandpa Sam)
I believe the photo was taken in the summer of 1961 as my other baby brother was born in October of 1960.
My Grandpa Sam liked to visit, he would often show up at our home unannounced. In this photo he is dressed for a weekday or a Saturday; long underwear, shirt, bib overalls, coat and his everyday hat. The pink peppermints that he shared with children would have been in one pocket wrapped in a white handkerchief. He wore long underwear year round to keep the heat in or out. His Sunday clothing was different than everyday, on Sunday he wore dark pants and a white shirt and tie....he also saved his hearing aid batteries for use on Sunday so he could hear the sermon in Finn. He chewed tobacco and could spit a long ways...which used to irritate his many daughter in laws and his two daughters. Grandpa Sam was widowed when he was 63 years old ( Grandma Hilda was 64 years old when she died) ...he visited many different widows over his lonely years and finally married a nice lady who we called Grandma Annie, who he outlived by 10 years. Grandpa Sam died when he was five days short of his 88th birthday back in 1978.
I got to thinking about my Dad's brothers and sisters...how old were they when they died?
Wilbert 77, Hugo 73, Jalmer 42, Ervin 59, Oscar 56, Arthur 23, Adolf 76, George 74, Einard 6 months, My Dad Jake 96, Marie 82, Andrew 67, Arnold 59 and Anna 85. They mostly died from cancer or heart attacks.
Far Side