This past week we made a trip to the Mayo Clinic. In the world of Pulmonary medicine there are a few Doctors that specialize in Alpa1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. Mayo Clinic has ONE Doctor and he has 60 patients with Alpha 1….he is called an Alpha Doc. He is Doctor K.
We felt it was worth the trip…seven hours the first day because we avoided the Cities and traffic…the return trip we went through the Cities and we were home in five hours.
Chance went along and went to Doggie Day Care while we were at the Clinic. The day we got there we took off on a recon mission to find the Doggie Day Care and where the parking garage was. There are busses that run a shuttle to the clinic…but we got an early start and only had to park on the seventh floor of the parking garage.
It is quite a clinic, there are six elevators for the first twelve floors and six elevators for the next eight floors. The floors are marble and I commented that it is a good thing that if you arrived in the winter in a snowstorm your feet would be dried off before you stepped a foot on those floors.

The exam rooms have marble floors and sofas. Note: they even splurged for the sinks that have covered pipes.

They are still using Windows 7.
Dr. K. is older than me….I guessed 65 but he is 68 and Far Guy says he has credentials as long as your arm. He was pleasant and straight forward. He told us to keep on keeping on with what we are doing. He suggested that we tweak a couple of medications and have some special tests…a Cat Scan, X Rays and a Liver Ultra Sound….which could be done over the next few days or we could go home and have them all done in Fargo in one day. He said to stay away from germy people and get our flu shots. He said that we should have antibiotics on hand at all times.
We asked about our oldest daughter that tested as an MS. Dr. K. says that he is seeing many more people with the phenotype MS having liver problems especially liver cancer: so it is of the utmost importance that she should not smoke or drink alcohol because both will speed up the liver damage.
Dr. K. also said it is very important for anyone that is a blood relative to be tested. Testing can be done anonymously…by a coded number.

The view out the 18th floor.

This is the tower of The Plummer Building. The Plummer Building was built in 1926/1927 and is a historic building. It was a clinic building for a whole group of Mayo Clinic Doctors.
We visited with a couple from Michigan….Brian and Margo they told us that the Clinic now has 2,000 doctors, their son was one of them.

Chihuly Glass Sculptures in the main part of the clinic…I didn’t notice them going in but I enjoyed them going out.
When we left you could barely see that huge expanse of marble floors…there were people everywhere. Mainly old people, a few that were younger than us …but not many.
After our appointment we went and checked out of our motel, went out for a late breakfast and then picked up Chance who was really happy to see us and headed home. It was good to be home before dark.