A month ago I told our youngest daughter. “I have some sad news for you, your bestest friend in the whole world died.” She replied “Oh Chuck died… that is sad.”
Chuck was a thorn in her (teenage) side for two weeks every summer. He would come to the door and ask “Can Jenny come out to play?” When she hollered “NO” at him he would press his nose against the window of the piano room until she would draw the curtains and play piano so loudly she couldn’t hear him. He would walk away shaking his head saying “I don’t know how they put up with that racket.” He irritated her and she irritated him. When he would first show up for his time at the lake she would greet him by saying “Aren’t you dead yet?” He would answer her “No and is that anyway to talk to your bestest friend in the whole world.”
Chuck was from Indiana, he was a Deputy Sheriff and a Jailer…one time he even ran for Sheriff. He and his wife Ardith would vacation up here the last couple of weeks in August when it was the warmest in Indiana. Chuck fished everyday he could, Ardith sewed. Ardith was a banker and the church organist, they vacationed with children and grandchildren for one of the weeks and the other was usually their quiet time.
High on their list was going out for supper.
Chuck, Gene, Me, Ardith, Sue and Keith (Chucks brother)
The waitress took this photo at Y’s Steakhouse in September of 2000.
We found our way to Chuck and Ardith’s home in Indiana one Fall and had a wonderful visit with them. They had the cover on their pool and Chance thought it was just a blue tarp…and walked right out on it. Talk about a confused looking dog!
Sadly Ardith would suffer with large cancerous tumors in her abdomen that eventually took her life in 2011. Chuck was very lonely after Ardith died. He called a few times to talk and then the calls became fewer and fewer. He came up on vacation a few times but his last visit two years ago he didn’t even attempt to go fishing. Chuck joined Ardith in heaven on October 10 2015.
Chuck had a wonderful sense of humor and could tell stories for hours. Sometimes you didn’t know if he was pulling your leg or not. He used to kidnap Captain one of our Shelties, Captain could be found in their cottage quite often …for nap time and a snack.
Chuck and Ardith were good friends. It is sad that they are both gone…times change and people die. But it is still good to have friends that can make you smile long after they are gone.

I wrote about Chuck before Straight Lake: Legend of the Cap.