Thursday, July 11, 2024


 I am irritated by people who do not do their jobs. 

I was delighted the other day when I heard that the pharmacy I called was doing a customer satisfaction survey ...after being switched from one idiot customer service person to an almost non english speaking person...15 minutes had elapsed.  I betcha you can guess what kind of a rating I gave them. 

Seems like it is harder and harder to get a real person on the other end of a phone call...who said a computer was better.  I suppose they save a couple of dollars.

Recently I got a recorded call that said please call this number, we need to speak with you about a prescription...well why weren't you there when I answered my phone...I cannot send them a recorded message...but I would like to. Can you imagine what I would say? 

Another thing...that recorded music I have to listen to while I am on have had it up to here with piano music and violin concerto # who knows what.  Who are the idiots that pick the music anyways?  After waiting 45 minutes the other day listening to the same tune over and over I was ready to commit myself.

Many people are irritated by self check outs...not less germy person handling my groceries is just fine with me...I make sure the prices are as advertised and my items are packed in bags exactly how I want them. 

Covid numbers are up in our area.  I still disinfect my grocery cart...I wish sick people would just stay at home.  Luckily most of my groceries are ordered online and picked up...I just shop for fresh fruits and vegetables in person. 

AND my last irritant.  Some one is posing as my dead mother on facebook and sending friend requests. 

Far Side


  1. Yes those idiotic consumer satisfaction surveys whatever you did ... Bugger them!
    Same with those inane tunes in wating lines and worse in the supermarkets - again!
    Self check outs bother me for more reasons. Less jobs for the not so smart part of the population, less personal interaction for those who got their "dose of social" mainly from this, and whenever the self service thingy is faulty, the man/lady serviceing the not-self check outers immediately leave their post and go there - as if the self check outers were more important and should not wait their turn -- eww!
    Covid numbers are up here too. People have already forgotten, and almost nobody uses the free sanitizers anymore.
    Grumpy old broads and geezers, unite!

  2. I usually deal with phone calls like those while sitting at my computer so while I’m waiting or being bounced around, I can “go” elsewhere via the internet.

  3. I don't mind self checkouts when my cart is not brimming.

    Wait, Coved is making a flourishing comeback? Well, looks like picking up groceries might be another option soon. :(

    Being on hold like that is so irritating. I've had to be there too ... and I imagine other folks have. I gave the VA Pharmacy a poor rated one time and got a phone call back the next day from a supervisor who helped straighten all the issues I was having with them out quickly.
    That...was a huge surprise.

    When I jumped through all the hopes off cancelling AT&T [nightmare!] so I could get a local phone carrier for the house phone in the early 2000's...they kept calling me back to want to set me up with AT&T!

    Doing business on the phone is maddening.

    NOOOO! Someone doing that on FB is ... just wow. Insulting.

  4. I am applauding every word - I'm tired of the same things! I still infect my grocery cart too. One of my best friends here has Covid currently and she is much sicker than she was a couple years ago when she got it the first time.

  5. I'm so sorry about the facebook scanner. Someone got into my father's email account and was sending spam. And what can I do? Nothing. I don't even know what his password was. But it makes me so irritated when I get the email.

  6. Well, what do you expect if you are on something like Facebook? Privacy? I have never been and never will be, get along just fine without any of that social media crap.

  7. You know that there are many rants from me about being on hold for sometimes more than an hour . The last point about your Mom is both scary and sick.

  8. The worst thing here is someone using your mother's name on FB. This is horrible. I still do grocery pick up. I got used to it and walking through a store was not possible for a few years. I have some minor gripes about being on hold but nothing major. If companies don't want honest answers on there customer service questions they shouldn't ask.

  9. I with you on the self-check out!! You said it PERFECTLY!

  10. Oh my goodness....The things that people do these days totally surprise me, even though they shouldn't. What kind of person steps low enough to send friend request of a person who has passed. I am so sorry that you have to deal with this. We too have had a huge surge of covid. Keeping my fingers crossed not to get this again. I understand your frustration. I have an order (that is paid for) from Dillards that should have been delivered 2 weeks ago. Instead, it has been shipped to a town about 40 miles from us. I've talked to 5 different people and each one assures me my package will be here in two days. I can barely understand those that I have talked to because their English is not clear. I agree...Mnay people do not do their jobs...

  11. Agree with you 100%! I agree music choices are bad but when you get one of those repeating greetings, that's much worse, 47 repeats of "we appreciate your business, we'll be with you shortly" send me over the edge! And, really, if they appreciated my business, they'd answer the phone quicker.

  12. I hate having to take care of anything by phone. Once you get to talk to a person, you can’t understand them.

  13. We always seem to need help at the self-checkouts but most of the places we shop have help right there ( and mostly kind people that don't treat one like an idiot).
    I believe it's possible to close a Facebook account when a person has passed away. Without their password.

  14. another thing i hate is the recording that says 'for english stay on the line' except you dont get somebody who speaks it well...

  15. The worst issue in your rant (and all are ones I've felt myself), is the FB scammer. It seems your mom must have had a profile on FB, there is a way to either remove the account or "memorialize" it. In the help and support section, there is manage deceased person's account. Hopefully that would stop the scammer, but you can also report the faker too.

    I had an issue with my bank and received one of those surveys, and as you said, I gave them a less than stellar review. In response, I had a call from the branch manager. In my case, it was a diffulty in changing my address from the city to a small town post office box number. He was unaware of the issue and indicated he would push it up the line. Hopefully that helps someone else.

    You are correct, call centers are often located in other countries (lower wages and benefits), and the turnover is high. Especially with larger companies, and even when they are sort of local (same country) getting through to someone at your location is nigh on impossible. Customer service is pretty much a thing of the past.

    I tend to use self-service checkouts - at first, I was hesitant because I thought I was creating fewer jobs. But, with the amount of theft that occurs, many stores have 2-3 people watching the check-outs. :) Besides, like you, I prefer to pack my groceries as I prefer. Whatever happened with heavy items on the bottom, meat and frozen items together, and cleaning supplies separate from the rest of the groceries.

    It's clear from the comments, you've hit a nerve with many of your readers. :)

  16. I think many of us can relate to at least one of your irritants. Life seems to be very much on a downward slide when it comes to professional people running businesses today. So much is becoming impersonal these days.

  17. We have the same problem here, always getting that damn press one for this press two for that and if you do get a person they often have limited English. We also find we get disconnected aka hung up on when they don't know the answer to our questions. Someone posing as your late mother is more then irritating it is well I can't think of a strong enough word to express my disgust so I will leave it there.

  18. I'm totally understand how you feel about a scammer posing as someone you know who has passed away. So sorry. I don't have your exacr issue, but I get get emails from an overseas scammer using the name of someone with whom I was in meet-in-person knitting group a very long time ago....before email. The emails go to my spam folder and I even though I block the email used, the scammer changes email addresses and keeps trying. They still go to my spam folder. But I wanted to share this in case it may be of help to someone.


  19. You and I share the same genetic irritation with automated messages and trying to get a hold of a real person who you can understand - - and will solve a problem for you. I am glad you let them know what you thought. What I hate is the time it wastes for me - - and we know at our ages, we don't have extra time to give away!

  20. Oh awful. Especially that last one. Incredible.

  21. Totally agree with all the irritants!
    I'm sure you'll find a way to report the scammer or delete your mom's Facebook account or something. That is the lowest!! I can't imagine Facebook would actually be much help, either, actually. Be nice if I was wrong about that.

  22. Preaching to the choir here.... when I get on the phone like that I usually hand it to my husband and let him deal with the non helpful person on the other end.


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