Sunday, July 28, 2024

Quiet Day

 I had a quiet day...I did some laundry and put a roast in the crockpot.  Salad and roast pork was what was for supper.  It was a warm day the high was 86F or 30C eh!   I read, watched/ napped through a couple of movies and played a game with Aubrey and Katie.  

Aubrey is here for a few more days with her Mom and Dad last week she had surgery in the Cities, she had two bone grafts in her mouth.  She is a trooper...still looking at 2 or 3 surgeries after the grafts.  Aubrey is our great niece and she was born with a bilateral cleft palate and has endured many surgeries. 

Far Guy went to a nearby car show he gathered with his Car Club group.  He said it was a miserable AC in the old gal Tilly.  I comforted myself thinking that at least I had a car with AC should he break down and need a ride. 

Far Side


  1. Sounds like a pretty relaxed day for you. I love that cosmos??? Mine are starting to blossom now too and I do love their fern like leaves and cheery colors.

    Yes to A/C!

  2. Poor's so hard to watch kids go through things like that. What a brave girl she is. It rained here but this next week we're back in the 90's and humid. Far Guy is brave...I get out early and then stay inside the rest of the day when it heats up. We already have a heat warning for tomorrow. Stay cool!

  3. Heat sure does make it hard to appreciate the outdoors. I'm glad he was okay, and that you had such a nice quiet day.

  4. Good luck to Aubrey while she heals. I hope her surgeries are nearing an end.

    Yikes, that heat and no a/c. pretty flowers!

  5. You spent the day wisely, it was so humid. I stayed inside, Mark decided to cut saplings. He seems to be trying to make me a widow. You've got to love cars to go to a car show in this weather.

  6. Prayers of comfort for Aubrey. She must be a pretty tough cookie. We are supposed to hit the 90 degrees and my granddaughter is in an art competition, painting on the streets 1 hour and 45 minutes away. We will drive up in the ac, swelter on the sidewalk and enjoy the ac on the way home.
    Mr Merry broke a tooth in 1/2 yesterday so we have been dining on scrambled eggs. Tomorrow is his birthday (and hopefully a dental appt) and I told him I would treat him to chocolate pudding.

  7. Hot weather makes for a very unpleasant summer. At one time I could endure this stuff but not now. It's one of the hazards of old age.

  8. Sounds like you did have a relaxing day...I know different areas of our Country sees all kinds of temps. I guess it all depends on how you were raised as to what temps are comfortable. We will be in the 100's next week with the heat index being at least 5 to 10 degrees higher than the actual temp. Our humidity is horrible. I keep saying I need to move up north. lol. Prayers for your niece.

  9. I clicked back on Aubrey to get her story. She has been through much, but it's clear that she has a loving, supportive family to help her through it.
    I think handling heat gets harder as we age. We are having a cool Sunday morning, and we might even have rain! Monday and Tuesday, before it heats up again.

  10. It’s getting hotter down south. I’m sitting inside more. Thankful for cool air in house and car!

  11. Such easy going days are so lovely in our fast paced world

  12. I hope Aubrey surgeries all go well and they'll be over and done with pretty soon.
    Must have been hot and miserable for a car show. At least we haven't been in the triple digit, I guess. (Feels like it is to those of us up north, though--lol!)
    I love quiet days. :)

  13. I haven't done a roast in ages! That makes me think of home.

  14. Poor Aubrie. I'll be praying for her healing and easy next surgeries for her. I've been having similar days. If I go out anywhere it's from AC to AC. We have heat warnings in effect for the next two days.
    Dennis's uncle and cousins just arrived from northern Minnesota a few hours ago. They'll be here for two days to visit with Mom and her sister. His two cousins are wonderful about driving Uncle Al here twice a year to visit his last two sisters. They are all that's left out of 16 siblings.
    Enjoy your AC.

  15. All the best to Aubrey as she continues to heal.

  16. My prayers and thoughts are with Aubrey! Mouth pain can be soooooo miserable


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