Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Last of July

 I had a quiet Tuesday, I cleaned the bathroom and did some laundry and tackled some odds and ends and then had an afternoon nap.  Still feeling pretty wiped out.  

Now we can say goodbye to July and hello August.  

Far Side


  1. Last of July?? That went fast.

  2. Hope you are feeling better today. You managed to do more than I did yesterday...and I can't blame it on not feeling well.

  3. Some days are meant for just resting..and a good nap is hard to beat. Sadly, August is one of our hottest months. I have a birthday in August, but it's not a favorite month around here. All my kiddos go back to school and it is as if our summer is over. is to an awesome August.

  4. August is tomorrow. Oh yes, where did the time go?

    I thought about doing laundry and hanging out the sheets. I don't think they would dry today.
    I think it is a good day to read or do something creative.

  5. Just so glad you are okay!
    July went by really fast. I imagine August will be as hot or hotter. We'll see.

  6. I would so love to clean. I don't know if I've ever written that!!!
    Good work.

  7. The year is going by so quickly. Hope you feel better soon, Mxx

  8. Yes goodbye July and hello August by the time seems to go so fast

  9. I'm not ready to say goodby to August, but, oh well, life happens. Now we go into the dog days of summer.

  10. I hope you don't try to do too much too fast. I'm glad you took a nap, but maybe it should be two naps! I am glad you have enough energy to do as much as you did.
    Take care and lets hope August is a bit cooler. We had a doozy of a storm this evening and a majority of Omaha is without power. I think they said it's in the top five power outages in history in the city. We also had 97.7 mph winds. It lasted about 40 minutes and it was 40 minutes too long. Trees are down everywhere. It's also been a doozy of a storm season!
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. For as "wiped out" as you are you still manage to work circles around me! Hang in there!


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