Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 It has turned warm here in Minnesota.  Yesterday it was 80 F  or 27 C  eh!  The forecast for the next ten days is for temperatures in the 80's.  They say it won't hit 90 F but we will see. 

The skeeters big as birds have arrived...I was hoping that all the rain flooded them out.  They are out in the daytime and are crazy hungry. 

Yesterday we went to the transfer station with garbage and recycles.  That was our outing for the day. 

Far Guy saw the Fox up close and personal when they tried to share the covered entry to the house during a downpour.   We both saw the mama doe and her twin fawns running out of the bean field yesterday.

  Far Side


  1. We have tiny pesty gnats here in the south. Eeekkk! They swarm your face when your hot & sweaty while you're out trying to do any kind yardwork. They are good about flying into your eyes & ears & mouth. They enjoy a nice little swim in your eyes & hide while doing it, but you know good & well that they are there....oh the pain. They make the loudest noise you've ever heard while they play around in your ear & make you think you are going crazy. They are not very tasty either & can promote a nice case of gag reflex.... That's why campfires originated... for a gnat smoke. LOL!

  2. It was almost 90 here yesterday (88) and it didn't cool down in our apartment until very late. I am looking forward to getting some good rest now that it's only going to be 80 today.

  3. Wow, 80 was our low last week. Because of Beryl, it’s a little cooler today! I don’t likes foxes as they love to eat chicken😂 Galla Creek

  4. Did they introduce themselves or feign disinterest?🙂 We will be in the 90s over the weekend. It's so humid. We've had the blood suckers for quite awhile, they have made being outside a misery. The black flies, too.

  5. It's hot here too well into the 80's.

  6. Gotten so warm, yes! Predicting 80s for a week so far and the next four days 90-95. Whew! Stay cool, you two! :)

  7. I wonder who was more shocked, Far Guy or the fox?

    The wildflowers are so pretty. We're getting the heat too, yesterday was 29C/84F and today we're expected 31C/88F. It is even hotter in the city where my son lives.

  8. WOW! To see the fox so close is so exciting!!!

  9. We're getting the remnants of Beryl and it's helped with the heat a bit (though it's still very humid). The mosquitoes have been pretty bad here. I can't go out in the garden without bug spray on.

  10. What beautiful lilac flowers you shared. Gorgeous! 🌸 About the fox you saw, it’s been a year since I last saw a fox. Actually, two of them, and they were screaming at each other! 🦊🦊 I find them fascinating to watch.

    The heat has been more bearable here now. We had a huge thunderstorm yesterday, and it's been a bit cooler since then. 🌩️ Take good care of yourself! 😊

  11. My sister in Manitoba also complains about the number and size of the mosquitoes this year. I'm so thankful we hardly ever see one here.

  12. Those mosquitos sound so voracious. I watch YouTubes with people wearing head nets to avoid them and shudder a bit. They are one little critter I hope never gets that bad here. How exciting for hubby to see the fox so close - something else we don't have :)

  13. It's cooler here today, going for 86 instead of 96. Much better.
    I hate skeeters. They love me.

  14. It can warm in the sun here but being winter those warm sunny moments don't last long

  15. We are back In the 90's...expected upper 90's by the weekend. Hurricane Beryl gave us just enough of the cooler temps to make us think we wouldn't have those 100 degree days...Wrong! Does Lemon Grass help keep the mosquitos away in your area? I plant lots of this grass and we usually have no issues. Hope you can capture some pictures of the mama doe and the twin fawns...the fox as well..

  16. We are 97 plus humidity for two weeks already totaling 106 to 110! Next week it's supposed to be 100 plus humidity! Everything is burning up including the gardens! It's miserable because of the humidity that never goes away year around this area!

  17. Are you getting swiped by Beryl? Pouring on and off here. We have these darn deer flies. They are brutes! We were supposed to go on holiday next week but decided to postpone so our house and pet sitter isn't confined to the house due to the buzzing devils.

  18. Oh the mosquitoes far up north! I can recall my uncle joking that they were trying to fly off his pony one time. Another, we joked about them coming to carry off another cousin we were fighting with....

    Yikes. Sounds awful for being outside.

    But FG got to see a fox.
    Those flowers are gorgeous, thanks for posting their photo.

  19. We have mosquitoes here but I am never out when they are evidently. I haven't had a bite in years. It's in the 90's here....high 90's so I walk and water early. What are those purple flowers...they are lovely!


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