Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 At the Wedding Shower the other day, there were guessing games, word finds and make a wedding dress out of toilet paper. 

The toilet paper competition is an old one as I recall it at wedding showers years ago.  The gal in charge of the game said the TP came from the dollar store so it was two ply.

There were a number of young gals in the competition. Paige was the Judge....her sister Savannah did not win.  Even though her group was highly organized.  The dress had flowers and a train and everything!

Savannah dressed in TP

Savannah will be the last of her sisters to get engaged and married ...unless she hurries along.  Soon she turns 28 years old...she says when it happens it happens. 

Far Side


At Home In New Zealand said...

Oh, you brought an old memory back! Once, many years ago, I attended a wedding shower and we dressed our model in a TP wedding dress. So much fun, and I had forgotten all about it :)

Val Ewing said...

Many women are not in a hurry these days to get married. I was married at 22 and had two kids by 24. Waiting a bit may have been smarter??? But at the same time, I had fun and do not regret it at all.

Love the TP dress!

Donna said...

Loving the dress! Well done...and she's really beautiful!

Wildflower Adventures said...

Looks like a good job there with the TP. Fun!

Jenn Jilks said...

Well, that is fun!

Rita said...

Yes, many young women wait to get married these days. Not a bad thing, I think. Maybe they make better choices that way--lol! Who knows? So many women are having babies in their 30s. Times have changed. She looks so cute in her toilet paper dress. :)

Maebeme said...

That's an interesting dress, lol. Savannah has the right attitude.

Sandy said...

Good for her for saying if it happens it happens. I think lots of women feel that way these days. OMG haven't thought of the TP dress thing in ages. I never liked playing the games at showers. I like it when people just visit. Been married 52 years as of last month, and had really forgotten about this really old gone by wayside tradition.

Terry and Linda said...

What a pretty, pretty girl!!

Galla Creek said...

It’ll be ok if Savannah does or doesn’t marry. I don’t think it’s a must. If she’s happy I’d be happy.

Shug said...

This post is filled with many old memories and it is so fun to go back and remember doing this. Creative minds can sure come up with some cute ideas. Sounds like a very fun shower, filled with lots of laughs. Savannah is a cutie and she is right....when it happens, it happens.

Tired Teacher said...

Cute dress and creative, too.

Sara said...

The TP dress is definitely a game I've seen at many bridal showers over the years. Fun idea. Savannah is pretty smart - the right ONE is worth waiting for.

Sandra said...

It's new to me, I never heard of a TP wedding dress! I got married the first time too young. I was divorced by 23. Three years of marriage. I married the second time at just under 29. Much smarter then. Your niece os lovely.

Linda Reeder said...

It sounds like the bridal shower games haven't changed much in the last 70 years.:-)

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That's a new one for me. Looks like a great shower!

Granny Marigold said...

I don't think I'd be any good at creating a dress out of TP but someone sure succeeded. It's cute.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

She looks good dressed in toilet paper, just saying

Shirley said...

That must have been fun! I haven't attended any bridal showers except my daughter's.