Thursday, July 18, 2024


 I managed laundry and a long nap and a bit of crocheting.   Will wonders ever cease?  I had a really rough day with lots of it goes.  ( I have no pain when laying still with my heated rice bag)  

Had to wait on another call from the specialty pharmacy that ships the Rheumatoid Arthritis injections.   "Please wait on the line as a nurse wants to speak with you"  three minutes later I finally get to talk to a real person who said "What can I help you with? "  WTF  you called me.  "Oh ya your medication shipped today. "  OK fine. 

The latest miracle drug should be here on Friday.  OK fine. 

Far Side


  1. Oh, I hope the injection works. Pain is no fun at all. Hugz xx

  2. All these stupid automated telephone calls these days!

    My husband picked up a call allegedly from our satellite tv provider. They called us, but refused to say anything until he confirmed our address. To contact us they need our account details which I assume includes the landline, email address and actual address.

    Husband reasonably asked what the caller would do if rung up by a random stranger and pressured to give out his address? Silence.

    Wishing you improved health and less pain.

  3. Well, hopefully this new medication will relieve the pain.

  4. I'm so sorry you are hurting! Hopefully, the new med will help!

  5. Hope the new med helps. Galla Creek

  6. I sure am hopeful this medication helps you. Consistent, unrelenting pain is unbearable, yet is beared. I hope you find something to ease it.

  7. Praying this medication works wonders and has tolerable side effects.

  8. Hope the medication does its job.
    I know what you mean by not having pain if you don't move...well, almost no pain.
    So congrats on getting laundry done and crocheting! :)

  9. Some people are so dense! and dumb. And, most of them seem to be on the other end of a telephone conversation! I hate you are in such pain. Surely hope that your meds will kick in and make you better

  10. Sending hugs. And it's ok to be grumpy.

  11. Good heavens, why did someone need to speak to you to confirm the shipment? Could they not have left a message?

    I do hope this new med brings you some relief.

  12. "Ok, fine" is about all you can say when you are dependent on others who don't seem all that good at their job.
    Hoping the med works, and wishing you a bit more than "fine".

  13. I hope they keep their word and that your medicines arrive tomorrow. And I hope they help. Nevertheless, it's good that you wrote this blog.


  14. Hopefully the latest miracle drug will be miraculously effective.

  15. I hope the injections work, also it gets me the company ring us then want to know how they can help us , that has happened to me and Tim a few times as you said they rang us not the other way round

  16. Oh yes, Customer can really suck a lot!

    I want you to know that we deal with the VA and I used to complain a LOT. However, I spoke with a LIVE pharmacist yesterday and she went through hubby's list and asked if I had any concerns. She called me and spent time with me.
    No waiting.

    Anyway I get it. Another service has blown me off for 7 days. Tsk tsk. They don't want my $$.


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