Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July!

 Here in Minnesota it seems that Summer is half over when we reach the 4th of July.  We still have about a month of tourist season.  Traffic is just nuts in town.

 I understand that HGTV has named Park Rapids, Minnesota as a charming/great place to live.  The article made me a tad angry...they mentioned that the center parking was developed by the city for more tourist parking...when in fact years ago the Main Street was wide enough to turn around teams of oxen pulling loads of logs to the lumber yards.  AND they named only one business on Main Street...get real people mention a whole bunch or mention none. 

I quote "HGTV says, "go ahead, park in the middle of Main Avenue in Park Rapids. The shops and restaurants here are so popular, the town built extra-wide streets. Pick up some buttery caramels at Aunt Belle's Confectionary, browse the craft and quilt stores, or shop for cabin decor and other items."

Well anyways.  I asked Far Guy what was his best memory of July 4th...he answered "I always worked the 4th of July...from noon until dawn."  No fun I will add my worst memory also..."making hay and bucking bales high on a hay wagon...and sweating and itching all over from the hay dust."

What will we do for fun tomorrow?  There is a parade in town and fireworks in the evening...but we will most likely stay home.  We must be party poopers. 

Happy July 4th however you wish to celebrate.

Far Side


  1. Happy 4th July and enjoy yourselves at home doing nothing much.

  2. I'll be going on a long hike with some Senior Trailblazers and coming home to a cold beer. And then of course not getting much slee; because of the endless fireworks.

  3. I think that way too often we forget that there are those who DO WORK on the 4th of July, as well as other Holidays. I remember some of those Hay are so right...not only is this a hard job, but the pieces of dust and hay that covers you is nothing but miserable. Your wooden barrel with the marigolds and flags is a stand out. very pretty. Happy July 4th!!

  4. We will probably watch the Capitol Fourth Concert on PBS which has fireworks at the end. We will be inside in the A/C. Sometimes the neighbors shoot off the fireworks and we used to go sit with them but don't want the company of the mosquitoes.

  5. Happy July 4th to you both! We're expecting to see rain today, off and on at least. No parade here, but next weekend is the annual rodeo parade. I always say I'm going to go out by the lake to watch the fireworks, but we never do. LOL We do have a couple of neighbors that set off some pretty big fireworks and we can get a glimpse through the trees.

  6. Happy Fourth of July to you and your family.

  7. I stay home on the Fourth, too, and leave the roads to those who drink too much. Fortunately,I can sit in my driveway and watch the town’s fireworks display.

  8. Happy 4th of July!

    Whoever wrote the article had no clue about the history of the community, nor bothered to do any research.

  9. Happy 4th!

    I am too tired and fed up with noise to go out like this.

  10. Whatever you end up doing, I hope it is a happy day for you :)

  11. I remember loading hay bales too, but never on the 4th of July! Maybe it’s because my dad was a union logger for a while but the 4th was a no work day.

  12. I hope your fourth of July is or was a happy fun filled one it is an important day for Americans for good reason

  13. I worked many of them.
    Will just be me and Allie chillin' at home. :)

  14. It’s so hot here we can’t even breathe. I don’t like fireworks. 4th is not a fav of mine. But I am thankful for our freedom from the British. Hopefully we won’t have a King rule us again. I know why everyone is heading your way, down south it’s 105 in the shade.

  15. Happy 4th of July. Sounds like good plans for the day. Daughter & Grands came over & played in the creek.

  16. We stayed home and made a nice dinner. Sat out on the deck....the weather was perfect....listened to patriotic music on the radio and ended our dinner with strawberry shortcake. A perfect day. No fireworks for us either this year, but we can hear them banging and popping all around us! Happy 4th Connie and far guy!

  17. We had a great 4th. My youngest daughter and her husband bought a big house with a large yard and invited everyone over. All I had to do was make macaroni salad and show up. Our town hosts a huge parade, at least 2 hours long right in the middle of the day. The year we turned 65 we decided we were no longer required to attend. We show up with the macaroni salad when the parade is over.


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