Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 I went out mowing,  mowing is one thing I can do that doesn't bother my bum knee.  The lawn looks great again.  I have some Canada Thistle that I need to spray one of these days.   It was a nice day to be out and about....a bit of a breeze and not too warm. Visited with my other baby brother and she who sees robins first.

Then Far Guy suggested that we go out to supper and invite his high school friend and her husband we did.  It was a nice evening out. 

The Rudbeckia is blooming nicely in the wild gardens. 

Far Side


  1. Nice! We hope to have a pleasant day here too. We are starting out with a heavy dew and fog but it should be a good day.
    I'll be able to get the mower out for hubby and he can enjoy trimming the yard.

  2. Glad to hear you're staying active, even with that knee. You sound happy.

  3. We're actually looking at 70s for the next week or so. It was a lovely day, but the skeeters were bad again yesterday. Our city is spraying again this evening. I've skipped my walk the last couple of days due to the bugs.

  4. The birds like thistle but I don’t! Galla Creek

  5. I will be mowing today. This is a week to try and catch up on outside work.

    An evening out with friends sounds perfect.

  6. Sounds like a good day. The rudbeckia is lovely!

  7. I hope your cool pleasant weather lasts longer than ours did.

  8. Supposed to be 70s again today--whoohoo! Enjoy!
    Pretty blooms. :)

  9. LOVE those flowers. I just planted one in our side yard where we can see it outside our den window.

  10. I'm glad you got to enjoy some time out with friends.

  11. Sounds like it was an all around good day. We need lots of those kind.

  12. It's nice when the husband suggests going out to dinner. I say, "OH, Yay!"
    I envy your wild rudbeckia. We can't even grow ones from the nursery.

  13. We have had no yard to mow for weeks . We are just burning up including our garden and flowers! Glad that you have some beautiful flowers to photograph and enjoy!

  14. Glad you can mow and it not bother your knee. I have always enjoyed mowing....riding lawn mower of course. Beautiful Rudbeckia. I told my husband just a few days ago that I sure would love to have these growing in my flower beds....The Texas heat doesn't seem to bother them. Nice of you all to have dinner out with friends...glad you enjoyed.

  15. I have never mowed anything in my life, just saying.

  16. Good to hear you are able to be mobile even if it’s for chores.

  17. So glad you had a nice supper out! And aren't your flowers lovely!

  18. For years I struggled with Rudbeckias, trying to get them to grow and thrive. Then last year I must have gotten a different kind of seeds because I now have them popping up all over the back garden🧡💛🧡💛

  19. It's been very nice here too. The flowers are so pretty!


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