Friday, July 5, 2024

Potato Salad and a project

 I made potato salad...what is the 4th of July without potato salad?  Naturally I made too know..using up those last couple of lonely potatoes.  

My brothers had no plans so I asked them over for supper.  Added some of Andy's pulled pork, fruit and the gals brought coleslaw and peaches for dessert.   It was a perfect 4th of July meal. 

I finished sorting through the photos that my Mom left for me and I put them in an album along with the photos that I rescued from an old album that Mom had made where the photos kept sliding out.

Now the photos are sorted and safely inside pockets.  Yeah me! 

Far Side


Lynda said...

You had a great celebration day - - with family and with some energy! Very thankful for those things for you.

Galla Creek said...

Old photos are treasures.

cityquilter grace said...

sounds perfect! and saving old photos is priceless...recently put mine into acid free to tackle my mom's pictures...

Sara said...

Potato salad didn't happen here, but we did have bacon cheeseburgers. And we actually drove out to the lake to watch fireworks last night.

Your photo project reminds me that I still have some photos to scan for my BIL, and a bunch for me as well.

Red said...

You keep up the traditions of celebration of good things.

Shirley said...

Sounds yummy!
Sorting photos is very time consuming. One must stop and get lost in the memories.

Rita said...

Sounds like a very nice family Fourth and a task well done, too. :)

Pauline Persing said...

I agree with Shirley. Memories make sorting photos a long process. I do enjoy reliving the memories.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Now, that is one thing I miss being on the road. Barb's 'Tater salad! Store bought stuff just doesn't compare.

Sandra said...

This sounds like a good time and a good meal. My mother's family were pathological about taking photos. I have not gone through them and I've had them for 4 years. Maybe, someday.

Miss Merry said...

Now that photo album is an accomplishment!!!

At Home In New Zealand said...

Potato Salad sounds perfect! And the thought of it makes me long for hot summer days :)

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Potato salad isn't something I like, old photos I do like

Granny Marigold said...

Good job getting those old pictures in an album.

Linda Reeder said...

Sorting and preserving old photos is a big job. So is making lots of potato salad.
You are doing good things well.

Shug said...

You are so right...Potatoe salad goes with any food served on the 4th. Glad you had a good evening with your brothers. Always nice to accomplish a project.. Yeah for you!

diane in northern wis said...

Well what a good project to get done. The album looks great!