Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Weekend Book

 I read this book over the weekend.  It was great, I give it a 9 out of 10. 

Our daughter Jen recommended it to me last Spring.  She was right I enjoyed it very much. 

This was not a book club read, it was an extra read. 

Far Side


Donna said...

Humm...I'll look it up to see what it's about!

Anonymous said...

Read this last fall for book club, loved it!!

Val Ewing said...

Sounds like a good book.

I love mysteries and generally read two books from the library each week.

Galla Creek said...

Ty for the book hint. I’ll try to find it.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Thanks for the recommendation.

Granny Marigold said...

Sounds like an interesting book.

Linda Reeder said...

I put it om my list. :-)

www.self-sufficientsam.blogspot.com said...

I wrote it down! I love recommendations from others.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

There are so many good books around

Sandra said...

I will look for it. I always like book recommendations.

Jenn Jilks said...

Good to add to the To Be Read list!

diane in northern wis said...

Glad you enjoyed your book!

Miss Merry said...

Gosh, a 9 out of 10! Unfortunately too many books in my pile to add to my list.

thecrazysheeplady said...

I thoroughly enjoyed that one! Have you read Perestroika in Paris? I think that was what I was listening to that then recommended Bright Creatures.