Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Going with the flow

 Not much we can do about anything. We can take care of each other and embrace each day as they come along. 

We can be kind...I could be kinder....so I let Far Guy cook.  I didn't even swear when the phone rang and it was a recording that said wait on the line we want to talk to you.  #iwaskindanddidntcallthemdumbasses

The bear is still visiting...I wonder if he/she knows I am a bit gimpy right now...just call me Chester.  It is only a matter of time before that bear comes out in the daylight.   He/she must have a den nearby.


Far Side


  1. This hot weather makes everyone grumpy so just join the club. Best advice I have for you is to stay inside and stay cool. Right now I am ready for Fall!!

  2. My husband does not know how to cook at all but he can warm things up in the microwave and makes a really, really well seasoned dish of air popper popcorn! Plus he will load the dishwasher and do yard work. He does not have mechanical ability and few carpentry skills but he is generally super sweet - - very tender-hearted. I was raised a first-born and also a Yankee. He is he baby of the family raised in the South. Guess who is sweeter?!!!

  3. You are so right. I find being kind is actually easier than the opposite, yet, #iwaskindanddidntcallthemdumbasses, has a certain ring to it!

  4. Going with the flow might be less stressful than trying to swim upstream. I used to hear that from a coworker. LOL

    Hopefully that bear will keep his distance.

  5. Hummm a bear den close by seems a tad daunting!

  6. The phones with such calls do irritate . I don't answer them .

  7. Some days it is easier to be kind than others. Predictive dialing is what they are doing with those calls. The software predicts how long the employee will be on another call, and dials the next number presuming the transition will happen before we pick up. Clearly it doesn't work all of the time, but for these companies it's all about making the most calls they can in a day. Even if we don't want to talk to the dumbasses. :p

  8. Every day is a gift. What we do with it is up to us.

  9. Have your camera ready in case that bear comes out in the daylight!

  10. I read a quote that said if you meet a bear in the woods, you don’t have to run faster than the bear. You only have Toruń faster than your companion. Oh, dear.

  11. Ah! Chester! I should have named the partridge with the limp Chester instead of Limpy! Boy, that brings me back. One of my dad's favorite shows. He loved all the western shows.
    Kind of creepy the bear coming back every day.
    I totally agree with being kind. :)

  12. Heat and humidity, especially up there, in conjunction with stupid robo-calls is enough to make anyone cranky. Not to mention all the other stuff in the country and the world. I hang up on people pretty often now. Sigh. I could be nicer too.

  13. Such a serene picture with the creek just flowing along. Like life. Which is definitely not often very serene.

  14. I do hope you are able to see the bear in the day time and can get pictures. As much as I try to be KIND, there are those days when you just need to scream at somebody.

  15. Tim has often done the cooking and such phone calls piss us all off

  16. I try to remember those callers are people trying to earn a meager living and hang up kindly. :-)
    That photo looks cool and green and inviting. Relish it while you can.

  17. Sure hope your knee gets better fast! So hard to be limping around, I'm sure. Hope you don't see that bear in person! Stay safe and ornery!

  18. We just watched the first few episodes of Gunsmoke so your reference was not lost on me!

    Kindness? I have issues with that some days and keep biting my tongue. Especially when the other half dumps a soda on himself and the floor. He can't help spilling...but dang. I can't help but want to cuss him out.

    So I bite my tongue and try to be pleasant about it.
    Such is life. Better when we are kind.

    OH...those phone calls will get more irritating as we move closer to November.

  19. Be careful about the bear....Chase isn't there to warn you anymore.


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