Monday, July 8, 2024


 My baby brother and his bride have a beautiful planting of wildflowers. 

Very pretty wildflowers with many more buds coming on! 

I went over last night to take treats to Baxter and Smudge!  They like cheerios as treats.  Low calorie for Baxter! 

We had a quiet Sunday, I mowed the rest of the lawn in the morning and finished just before it rained.  Our rain gauge said 2 1/2 inches.  Not much to do when it and have a nap.

Far Side


Val Ewing said...

I agree, napping while it rains works for me!

I love that wildflower garden--sss! I would easily adore something like that in more parts of our yard. I am working on it one tiny bit at a time.

DJan said...

Wow, that was a lot of rain. Love those pretty wildflowers.

Miss Merry said...

Just lovely!!!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Beautiful little meadow!

Galla Creek said...

Love, love the wild flowers.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Gorgeous wildflowers!

Shug said...

What beautiful wild flowers they have. Wildflowers have a way of taking care of themselves with little issues.. I told Sam just the other day, that I would love to have the wild flowers planted in my flower beds....I wouldn't have to worry about watering them or weeding. lol. Cheerios make for good snacks...even for me. We have the remnants of hurricane Beryl on us right now. YIKES! Enjoy a good nap and a good Monday.

Linda Reeder said...

The wild flower meadow is wonderful.
Rain? What's that?

At Home In New Zealand said...

The wildflowers make such a pretty meadow. Must be lovely to stand beside :)

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

There are many pretty wildflowers around

Granny Marigold said...

Beautiful wildflowers. No doubt all the rain has been good for them even if you must be tired of wet days.

diane in northern wis said...

Beautiful pictures of wild flowers! said...

Those wildflowers are gorgeous!

L. D. said...

It is a wonderful meadow of flowers.

thecrazysheeplady said...


Terry and Linda said...

Gosh that's pretty. I think I need to turn my lawn into a no-mow meadow. Although, pretty meadows like that don't grow here in the high mountain desert.