Friday, July 19, 2024

Busy Day

 We had a busy day Thursday; Infusion for Far Guy while I picked up groceries and ran errands. 

Toward evening we headed in to the funeral home for the visitation for our neighbor lady who died suddenly last Saturday.  The line of people waiting to pay their respects spilled out the doors and into the parking lot.  We signed the guest book gave our condolences to her husband and left.  Way too many people for us to stick around and visit. 

Every person over 30 that had a lawn chair was in town getting their spot on Main Street to listen to some band and frequent the beer garden, anyone who was not there was at the fairgrounds for the fair, or standing in line at the funeral home. 

Minnesota State bird..the Loon...I took this photo a number of years ago...I always liked it because the water looks so cool and refreshing.  We are headed back into the 80 F degrees again...I don't see 90 F in the forecast but you never know. 

Far Side


  1. Our forecast is rain, rain & more rain. We try to continue planned outdoor activities & pause if it comes up a shower. We had a Moma duck & 5 babies come up to our boat & beg for food while fishing. Seems like they knew what they were doing. Their puttering around in the water seemed cool & refreshing as they dove down & came back up with not a drop of water on them.

  2. What a wonderful photo! Divers are such handsome birds aren’t they? So smartly dressed in their black and white checks and stripes.

  3. I sure hope this medication is the miracle cure, I have my fingers, toes, knees, and elbows crossed for you.
    that makes things a bit awkward.

    I've given up on my bone meds but then, I am not in pain so there is that.

    I love the Loon photo. Hopefully the weather stays decent for you.

  4. Love the photo, as well! So pretty.
    It's supposed to begin a cooling streak here to!
    Happy weekend!

  5. It is clear your neighbour was well respected in the community. I'm sure the family was comforted by the number in attendance.

    Love the loon photo! They are such a striking bird.

  6. I love loons. I haven't seen any around here - usually you have to go a little further north

  7. The town is busy. I am always surprised when I hear loons, I wouldn't think they would be down here, but they are. I have never seen one though. But the call is distinct. I hope you are doinf some better.

  8. Oh, how I miss the lonely call of the loon. We don't hear that in South Dakota very often!

  9. That is such a lovely photo.
    Staying out of the heat is a good idea.

  10. Sounds like the entire town was out and about yesterday. Goodness!
    Love the loon. Every time I see a picture I can hear one in my head. Kind of like a loon ear worm--lol! Nothing prettier on an evening than listening to the loons talk.

  11. I've never seen a Loon.... I don't think I have. They are very pretty.

  12. Too many folks I know are passing. I’m feeling very vulnerable.

  13. The loon is certainly beautiful.. I've never seen them around here. We had unexpected rain yesterday, and our temps are very nice for this time of the year. Not looking forward to those 100 degree days that are ahead of us. Hoping you enjoy a lovely weekend.

  14. It sounds like the town was really busy. I think you did the right thing heading back home :)

  15. Just once years ago did we see a loon on our local lake but in our camping days we'd see...and hear them.
    It's always a good idea to avoid crowds.

  16. This visitation at the funeral home for the neighbour who passed sounds odd to me not something I am familiar with.

  17. Lots going on.
    Loons are wonderful. We have a few here, of the feathered variety, that is. Perhaps more of the human variety :-)

  18. Jo- Anne's Ramblings It is custom here in Minnesota to have a visitation before a funeral service, it can take place at the funeral home or in a church. It is a time for people who cannot attend the funeral to pay their respects to the family.

  19. Oh what a beautiful picture you took. I love loons.....our loons have babies again this summer. So glad. Hope it doesn't get into the 90's....low 80s is ok with us. Would prefer 70s all summer though! Take care you two.

  20. You have a busy community. I'm so sorry about your neighbor. Loons are a favorite of mine.

  21. That is a beautiful capture of the water and the loon. Ourtwo boys and wives with kids are all at Pokegama this week. It will be the first time visiting there for the five year old granddaughter. I can hear the loons on the water right now. Lat evening and early monring.


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