Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ants and Xrays

 Here is a mound I am watching for ant activity.  It has a trail headed off of it that disappears into the woods.  I put the old solar light as a marker for the small Lilac that is in the left of the photo.  This is in the wildflower gardens East of the house. 

I take the riding lawn mower out to apply ant "stuff"  easier than hobbling around and no ants bite my legs.  The Cornfield Ants are very busy this year and are quite a challenge for me. 

As for my hobbling around...I had Xrays and there are numerous reasons for left hip, knee, ankle and back pain.  Waiting to see what the specialists say about repairs or if they are all NRTS...not repairable this station. 

Me on the riding mower.  I wear a long sleeved shirt that has seen better days, safety glasses and a floppy hat, I tuck my sweat pants into my tall red rubber boots....I am quite a sight. Being a lawn mowing goddess is all about the proper attire.  I wish safety glasses had a nose guard as a branch that I should have cut off years ago keeps hitting me in the nose.

Far Side


  1. You and I would look similar then! I wear a baseball cap, long sleeve shirt, long pants tucked into chore boots while out in the woods. Add a noseeum head net and you have MY look.

    Goodness. We don't have to deal with a lot of ant hills like yours in our yard but they are out in the pasture and in the woods!

    Sorry that it sound like you have some issues that are showing up on the xrays.

  2. Sounds like you've got that mowing gig, in hand! lol
    Happy weekend!

  3. We are both smart because I dress the same way due to bugs and flying stuff when I weedeat. I often have on gloves, too. Sometimes the mosquitoes will get me and often it is the "no-see-ums". I can put natural bug repellant on and they still find the one place not covered.

  4. Sounds like quite the attire while on the mower! I think a full picture is in order!

  5. Good morning mowing godess! I too mow a few acres of farmstead and grain bin area. Never ever thought of myself as a godess. You have an awesome sense of humor. I think of myself as a dirt and grass clipping magnet.

  6. I do hope you get some results from the x-rays that will resolve some of your pain.

    That's a heck of an ant hill. Your outfit makes perfect sense.

  7. Oh my, your ant hills look like mine and yes mine bite and leave a sore. I have to continually put killer on the hills, but I’m afraid they just move and don’t die! I wear a long sleeved white shirt and a big hat too plus long pants! Just like you my hip hurts really badly! I’m trying to pretend it doesn’t hurt. That isn’t working. I want to keep all my joints though. I’m not into metal😂Galla Creek

  8. A mowing goddess, wonderful title! Let us hope there is something to be done with the pain issues.

  9. I also have "garden goddess" clothing that is not fit to be seen in. My old work shirt is now soaked in mosquito spray. They won't leave me alone.

  10. I look about the same and add a covid-type mask to keep my nose and mouth out of the pollen/dust/bugs

  11. Is it the RA that has you limping? Did you start that new medicine? Sounds like we are in the same shape!

  12. I love you as mowing goddess! Safety it is on all counts! That is quite the ant hill. Good luck!
    Prayers for solutions to your medical needs.

  13. Ants are small and annoying and they bite, I do not like those ones

  14. You are such the adventurous sort! I've been on a riding mower once in my life. Everyone better take cover if I get on one again.

  15. Your poor nose! Time to cut that branch back :)

  16. You are kept busy looking after your place but it's worth it.

  17. Oh I hope that you can figure out how to get relief from your pain. With all of the advances of modern medicine, how can they not fix this pain we have?
    Love the Mowing Goddess look! I think it's a very wise way to dress. I've heard all about those Minnesota mosquitoes. Big as bats! :-) Ours aren't quite that big but bad enough.
    Blessings and hugs,

  18. Bless your are such a hard worker and good mower queen too.

  19. That sounds like proper lawn mowing goddess attire to me. :) :)


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