Sunday, July 14, 2024


 It was an easy day yesterday, I managed to do some laundry and put my knee up.  I watched a golfing movie  The Long Game that wasn't very good.  I can crochet while my knee is I got out an old crochet project. 

Supper was an easy meal from the freezer.  Far Guy said it was too warm to cook.  The high was 85 F but the humidity was up there.

Far Side


  1. Oh NO! If it isn't one thing, it is the other. :(

    It was like that here yesterday also.
    Sunday is supposed to be more humid--er and hotter again.


  2. My high yesterday was 96. I spent the day working in the yard. I hope your knee is better today. Seems a joint is hit in an instant but healing takes forever and then it’s never the same again.

  3. I hear you. Yesterday was not too hot until later in the day, but I was comfortable and slept well. I'm glad you're taking good care of that knee.

  4. It rained most of the day, so we didn't reach 90. The sun came out later in the afternoon, meaning the humidity was awful. Take it easy.

  5. Glad you were able to rest a bit yesterday. The flowers (double impatience?) are lovely!

  6. Ouch. Ouch.

    I don't think you need this sort of thing happening to you.

  7. It's a beautiful summer here in the PNW, but I am getting weary of the heat. I need some cool days to work in my garden. And it's only mid July. I'll have to stop complaining and just go with it. And eat ice cream.
    Hope yur knee is improving.

  8. Easy days, easy suppers, it's all good. Take care of that knee.

  9. Such pretty flowers. Glad you're getting some crochet time and able to put your foot up. Take Care, stay cool...not easy I know.

  10. Glad you were able to put your feet up and rest that knee. Sorry it wasn't a better movie, though-lol! Those flowers are gorgeous! :)

  11. We all need an easy day from time to time

  12. I love days like you had. Take care of yourself and keep taking good care of that knee! 🥰

  13. We had a humdinger of a storm and now it is cool. I had to wear a jacket this morning on my walk as it was only 61! Early Fall??? That would be a miracle.


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