Friday, July 26, 2024

Warm Spell and Dreaming

 We are headed for a warm spell...low 90's /high 80's for the next ten days. 

Thursday is infusion day for Far Guy and I ran errands.   Everyone and their Uncle was in town.  Only one parking spot at the meat market and I got it so I didn't have to hobble a block or drive around the block until someone left a spot.  Two maybe three more weeks of tourists, many States start school in mid August.  

I mowed yesterday, next door and at my other baby brothers shop.  It was comfortable to mow in the shade.  I have designed the perfect lawn mower many times in my head...too darn old to put it to paper and give it a whirl.  I think about it when I should be a totally enclosed deck with four mulching blades that are easy to discharge chute...who needs grass flying in the air.  It would have room for two of my main sprayers...poison ivy killer and thistle killer and a spot for my branch cutter....maybe even an attachment that would come out on a robotic arm to trim the grass around trees....alas it is only a dream...but I can still see myself multitasking when I am mowing. 

Far Side


  1. Lovely picture of meadow flowers. Stay cool and don't overdo things :) xx

  2. That mower would be to complicated for this hillbilly. 😂

  3. As the person who does most of the mowing on our acreage, I like your idea of the perfect mower. RHill, TX

  4. It sounds genius to me! I hope nobody steals your idea.

  5. Love the idea of the mower, it sounds like it would be very efficient. Such a pretty picture of the wild flowers. I like to mow also; but admit it gets a bit more taxing with each passing year. It's also good exercise, I think.

  6. Maybe the idea is out there in the ether and someone will make that mower come true! Thanks for the advice for how to find things on your blog.

  7. This mower would certainly be a dream come true for so many of us. I know your baby brother appreciated you mowing this area. love the wild flowers.

  8. I'm pretty certain that sounds like the perfect ride-on lawn mower. Hopefully someone is reading this and will take your ideas to fruition.

    Love the pretty wildflowers!

  9. My husband would buy your dream mower in a heartbeat - with those same features. LOL He has done a lot of thistle spraying this summer at the back of our property.

  10. While cultivating corn in the Summer, I’d dream about various projects too. There’s only so much you can do in a tractor, thinking and dreaming are in the top two.

  11. Oh yes. I would go for that mower! The whole state is going to be miserably hot and humid.

  12. Yes, tourists! Our ER was packed.

  13. Since I have never used a mower I expect it would be difficult to get my head around, just like most things are

  14. I would totally buy that mower!

  15. That's a muti-tasking mower, to be sure. Maybe a bit too costly for my half acre. I have a Tom instead.

  16. We've had two cooler days and then it will be warmer but not hot.

  17. Sounds great! I'd buy one for sure, just add a fan and a small cooler that actually keeps your drink cold and I'm all in.

  18. Sounds like the perfect AI mower--lol!
    Getting the last spot close by was fantastic! :)

  19. Beautiful wildflowers. I love your mower ideas too!

  20. Love that idea for a mower! I'm sure it would be snatched right up if it actually hit the market. You'd be a rich lady for sure. :-)
    It's going to be hot here too. Or should I say hotter. When I took Zoey out last night at 11:45 pm, it was still 89 with a "feels like" of 98. Yuck, yuck and more yuck. I haven't gone out at all today. But I'll need to take her out in awhile before bed because Dennis is already asleep.

  21. Pretty flowers. We will be back in the 80/90's next week too. Love the idea of the perfect mower.


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