Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fawns in the field

There is a bean field across the road from us.  News Flash: Deer like beans and green leaves.


It is a bit smoky here from the wildfires up in our neighbors to the North.

They cut some grass around the edge of the irrigated field...this doe and fawn were not yet in the bean field.  The twin fawns in the bean field look a bit older than this little one. 

Far Side


  1. They are pretty to look at but cause a lot of problems. My neighbor's hubby just smacked one with their second hand car. :(
    He is okay, the car is not.

    The DNR did some research and estimate we have 75 deer per acre in our county. The big trophy hunters love hunting here, but we dislike all the continuous damage they do.

    The damage to crops last year in the drought were pretty bad.

    Anyway. Not to be negative. I still like seeing them, I just don't 'love' them that much.

  2. This is fun to see!
    I had one go by the front yesterday.

  3. A huge

  4. I love seeing speckled fawns. They are adorable.

  5. Growing up on a farm, it was always quite obvious the damage that deer did to our soybean and corn fields. The first 24 to 48 rows around the outside of every field would yield only a small fraction of what the center parts of the fields would yield.

  6. Awe...they are so cute! You are so right...the deer love pea fields and they also love apple trees. My husband is constantly having to fence off the fields where he is growing apple trees. The deer will eat them to the ground. Deer are beautiful, but they can also ruin a crop. Sending you a smile! 😀

  7. Fawns are so cute at that age. I watched one buck and jump in the front yard last week. As long as the deer leave my flowers alone, I’m Ok. Last RHill, TX

  8. Ah they are so cute! I haven't seen any of the muley fawns here yet.

  9. They are so cute when they're little like that. :)

  10. the deer like my petunias . They seem to just go for the white blooms.

  11. We both have deer sightings! I didn't know there are fires in Canada again.

  12. Love the white tails flashing, and is there anything cuter than a spotted fawn?

  13. I love the little fawns when they still have their spots. Be careful with the smoke in the air.

  14. I liked this photo, so lovely I didn't know deer liked the beans and green leaves

  15. I love seeing the little fawns. I bet the deer up there get fat with so many good fields to graze. They’re thin here.

  16. The fawn is so cute but I'm aware of the damage deer can do to crops :(

  17. From the size of that bean field, it looks like deer grazing has been accounted for.

  18. All I get is racoonss eating my birdseed. I am sure the deer put some dent in the crop when they eat off the leaves.


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