Friday, July 12, 2024

Book Club : July

 Book Club happened yesterday.  We read All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.

I give it a 8.5 out of 10.   It was a good read...a different kind of read for me.  I guess that is what Book Club is about, it gets you to read some books that you may not read on your own. 

Netflix is featuring the book as a series...four parts I think.  I fell asleep during it on two attempts because I knew what would happen far as I could see it was following the book closely.   I am not sure I will visit the movie again...

Far Side


  1. Thanks for the Netflix idea, I'll probably check it out since you gave the book a pretty good rating & mentioned the series followed the book.

  2. I never got into book clubs. Perhaps one day I will.

    I know my son's wife really enjoys them.

  3. I enjoyed the book and will look for that series, which I didn't know about. Thanks for the update.

  4. I may try it on Netflix. I have heard of it, but not sure what I heard. Maybe Sigrid watched it.

  5. The name seemed so familiar but since it was a novel, I was confused. But I apparently saw the movie based upon the book. I remember it being quite good.

  6. P.S. I should clarify that for the last 30 years, I have only read non-fiction books, and hence my confusion since this one is a novel.

  7. I thought I recognized the title, and when I pulled up the description, I realized it is one I have read. Your 8.5 is pretty much what I would have given it too. I definitely enjoyed it, but at the moment I can't recall how it ended. :)

  8. I have heard other people also saying this was a good book. I will look for the movie on Netflix.

  9. I am failing miserably with my summer reading challenge group. I have given myself permission not to finish books and I am using this free pass too often. I like what I like and I am not good at venturing into new genres.

  10. I have this book, but haven't read it yet. Maybe it needs to be brought to the top of the To Read pile. LOL

  11. I listened to this book. I also liked it.

  12. I loved the book and the movie. We watched it as a movie--Terry even liked it. But a friend of mine said she couldn't do it because the Nazis swore so much.

  13. I already had this in my watchlist on Netflix. I will watch it sooner with your recommendation. Thanks! :)

  14. I may check this out on Netflix. I wish I had the time to read more books. I admire those that read often..My daughters both read a lot of books and so does our granddaughter. Last book I read was "Where the Crawdad's sing". Loved the book.

  15. I have the book in my HOLDS on the Libby app. I will get it when my turn comes up. Thanks for the recommendation.

  16. I agree. Good to get out of your comfort zone.

  17. That's definitely what book clubs are about, to read stuff you might not read otherwise. And that's exactly (mostly) the reason I quit my book club. I decided I didn't have time to read a book that i didn't really want to read. I guess I'm not so broad minded as to see it would be a growth experience. But I HAVE thought about reading this I'll put it on my list.

  18. I think I read that book. I'll have to check out the movie.


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