Monday, July 22, 2024

Old Dogs

 Old dogs grow weary, their joints ache, their hearing and sight fail...but they have had a good life.

It is easier to recall them as puppies...recalling the puppy breath, sharp toe nails and teeth.  Puppies always make us smile. 

March of 2012 Steve and Jo next door neighbors got a little Aussie pup and named him Putzer or Putz for short.   He was a very special little puppy. 

Odda, Putz and our Border Collie Chance in 2012.  

These three were great friends, always happy to see each other and ready for a good game of chase.  Putz always greeted us, his whole body wagged.

Sadly Putz crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 2, 2024.  His nose was still good, but he couldn't hear or see much.  His faithful friends Odda (2009-2021) and Chance(2004-2018) were probably waiting for his arrival. 
Far Side


  1. Such a lovely memory post of these adorable dogs! Their pictures made me smile!

    xoxo, Midori

  2. What beautiful photos of some beautiful dogs. The memories of the animals we've had stay with us forever but the missing of them never leaves.

  3. Awww, such a cute little guy too!
    I'm so sorry to hear of his passing.

  4. Oh this is so sad. They're such good pups, and they steal our hearts. Our Labradors are 12 and 7, and the old girl is wobbly. She still wags and eats things she shouldn't, and lets the grandkids hug and maul her, but she can barely make it up and down the steps into our house. She loves me, so much, can never get enough pets, seeing her glossy black fur turn gray is not fun. They are such blessings and such good friends, but oh when they get old...ugh. Hugs to you.

  5. I like the thought of them all together. Nice to see an old picture of Chance.

  6. Putz was a cutie as a pup and an older dog, he had such beautiful eyes. I know he'll be missed by family and friends, but don't doubt there will bee, a very joyous reunion of the pups over the Bridge.

  7. Putz, enjoy frolicking like a young buck up there with Chance and Odda!!!

  8. I bet his furry friends were waiting for him. We just don't get enough time with those wonderful pets.

  9. It is so sad to see dogs get old. You always want to remember them when their eyes were alive and tails wagging. Rest in peace Putz.

  10. Beautiful dogs. I hope they are reunited.

  11. All dogs go to heaven don't they?
    He sure was a cute pup and I agree, always nice to see Chance photos.

  12. Reading this makes me cry. I always always hate with our fur babies go over the rainbow bridge. But like you say---their friends are there and I believe with all my heart we will be with them again!

  13. Oh, now the last member of the trio has rejoined the group. LOVE the photos. I still miss Chance even though I never met him. I still miss my Karma, Annie, and so many critters over my 73 years...all the way back to my first dog, Candy. (What else would a kid name a puppy that was so sweet.) They all had wonderful lives and were well loved.

  14. such beautiful dogs and sounds like they truly were great friends. Putz ...such a cute name! Those blues eyes!!

  15. What a sweet picture of the three of them lined up on the deck. Now they're all together once again.

  16. Lovely memories, dogs like all living creatures grow old and pass away it is sad but it is life

  17. Dogs are part of the family. The easiest part.

  18. Aww Putz was a cutie. Too bad our beautiful animals don't last a little longer. Such broken hearts every time we lose one. Thanks for sharing these great pictures.

  19. You have shared some wonderful stories of the great pets you and your neighbors have owned. We have enjoyed knowing them, too - - even if we didn't receive physical hugs. Thank you for letting us know they have left earth. I truly believe God does have animals in Heaven - - at least according to the Scripture Randy Alcorn provides in his book entitled, Heaven.

  20. I remember your posts of the adventures the three had together.


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