Saturday, July 13, 2024


 Yesterday we ran a couple of errands...all repair stuff.  The stopper in the bathroom sink broke.  Water was stuck in the sink, I wedged a knife in there and got the broken stopper pulled out.  We have a new stopper and Far Guy will play plumber one of these days. 

I tweaked my knee in my sleep or when I got up in the I hobbled into Walgreens and bought a knee brace.   It helps.  Last Spring I threw away all the ace bandages I had for larger joints...wouldn't you know it I musta jinxed myself.  So an ace bandage was purchased also.  With support and rest (RICE) I hope to see some improvement if not I will head to the Dr next week.   It is much different pain than the arthritis pain I have....on an interesting note..the two pains fight for attention. If worse comes to worse I have an old pair of crutches:)

After repairs were purchased we went to lupper at our favorite Mexican place.  Lunch/supper works for us.  Best part dishes to wash and we were home in time to have a long nap and put my knee up.

Flowers in Dorset, MN.

Far Side


  1. Lupper is becoming more my speed these days too.

  2. I understand hurting your knee turning over in bed. I have to sleep with a pillow between my knees. I can’t take pain meds. Bad stomache. Hope your are better today. I have a brace drawer and it’s full. I won’t be tossing them. Lol

  3. We have been luppering lately. Hope the knee improves quickly!

  4. Guess we're at that age where it's way too easy to "tweak" something. Bummer! Hopefully that brace works for you. My husband wears his knee brace when he takes his long walks, and sometimes when he golfs. He's hoping to avoid the knee replacement that he's been facing since the age of 30 when he torn his ACL.

  5. Beautiful flowers! Let's hope your knee heals on its own. If not one thing, then another, right?

  6. I'm so sorry about your knee! I hope it heals fast!

  7. Praying for fast recovery!
    The flowers are so beautiful!

  8. I call them kinks. Get them in my ankles, knees, hips, fingers, neck, and recently had one in my jaw. The one in my jaw was new, different and way more painful than my usual arthritis kinks. Regardless, they are quite literally a royal pain. I hope you baby it and it gets better and goes away. Or at least (my own personal best-case scenario) subsides so that it can be ignored. ;)

  9. Sigh, there always seems to be something in a house that needs repairing, fixing or mending. For me it is the round handles for spigots that keep popping off. I have to find the right screws!

    It isn't nearly as easy to get repairs for our joints. I hope your knee is feeling some better with you staying off of it as much as possible and resting. Take care!

  10. That arthritis is awful. I have it in my knees and pinky fingers! I've been using marijuana cream. It helps.
    Hope you get some relief!

  11. I hope the knee brace helps. Seems like if it's not one part of the body that hurts it's another.

  12. Hoping your knee is not too serious and you recover soon!

  13. I am guessing what you called a stopper would be what I would call a plug having it stuck in the sink would be annoying. I have started to wear the knee brace Tim bought a year or so back for me but would not go over my knee due to having fat legs I feel good that I can now get it on still a bit tight but it goes on.

  14. I also have a drawer full of knee and ankle braces. They do come in handy for those unexpected moments. Hope it gets better quickly!

  15. Tweaks happen all too often now. Hope it's not too serious.

  16. Sure hope you can rest and ice the knee .....and it be much better. I do hope it is much better and that the ace bandage helps. Love the picture. Reds, purple and yellows make for a beautiful picture.

  17. What a beautiful picture of flowers! Sure hope your poor knee is better soon.

  18. Hope your knee comes right quickly. It is bad enough having arthritic pain without having something else added to it.
    Glad you were able to clear your sink, and those flowers are very pretty :)

  19. It must be the age....I have maybe a week in between "incidents" or age related pains and problems. I hope the knee heels.


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