Thursday, August 1, 2024

Dog Days

 August is here bringing in the dog days of summer. 

The dogs next door were skunked...visiting Border Collies that tried to best a skunk.  We sent over two "skunk kits" that I keep on hand for skunk emergencies...peroxide, baking soda, softsoap and rubber gloves.   

This is Gus...his brother Monte got the worst of the skunking and was mostly asleep when we visited. 

Luckily Smudge and Baxter escaped...we heard Baxter went into the woods and barked but Smudge stayed right on the road and barked! 

Smudge is growing a bit she is biting Baxters front foot to get his attention. 

If you live in or near the woods sooner or later there will be a skunking.  Just a matter of time. 

Far Side

Skunk Kit:

1 quart Hydrogen Peroxide

1/4 cup baking soda

1 teaspoon soft soap or dish soap like dawn

Rubber gloves 

Mix in a bucket and apply to the may bleach the hair of your dog.  You can repeat treatments then rinse well and then bathe the dog with shampoo.  


  1. Having fostered my brother’s dog when he disappeared for 8 months, a border terrier, who would run after anything with four legs, and menaced any dog that looked at me funny, I can only say how glad I am that we don’t have skunks in London. I can’t help feeling that de-skunking would have been a frequent task.

    I hope you are feeling a bit better today?

  2. I'd love to hear more about your skunk kit. We had a friend who had baby skunks under a shed or barn, and their dog got skunked. I don't know what they did for the dog, but it would be useful to know what to have on hand. Thanks.

  3. When I try to trap varmints at my bird feeders I’m afraid I’ll catch a skunk. My sister and I walked to the mailbox for Momma when we were young. We threw rocks at a skunk. We were skunked and didn’t know it till we got back to the house. My Momma had a fit!

  4. That is pretty much true! I evaded a skunk last year that was in our shed. He stomped his feet but because he was in between large sections of wood he couldn't turn around and skunk Charlie and I.
    We left, then I sprinkled two boxes of moth balls and a large container of garlic powder in the shed the next day.

    He/she left the shed. It stunk like garlicky moth balls until winter!
    But no more critters took up residence.

  5. My mom’s skunk kit were a couple quarts of her home canned tomato juice.

  6. Oh! I pray not! lolol

  7. Skunks and dogs have been involved for centuries, and the skunk usually gets the best of it.

  8. When our Hot Dog was sprayed by a skunk, we could still smell “skunk” each time we bathed him for up to a year. He got a direct hit in the face. Nothing worse than that smell, especially up close! RHill, TX

  9. I have a faint recall (and I'm not trying to be funny), of my aunt's chihuahua being skunked. Mom sent over tomato juice. I didn't like the dog - it hated kids and would growl and snap at us, so I probably didn't feel sorry for it.

  10. Not only have my dogs been skunked, so have I! I wish I'd known your skunk solution then.

  11. Well, that's no good! We've had a few skunking experiences over the years. I don't think we have a lot around here and the girls stay pretty close to the house so I think we are safe with these two.

  12. We had a dog skunked when we lived on the farm early in our marriage. He didn't get it really bad, but enough that we knew. It was over 40 years ago and I don't remember what we did to bath him.

  13. Oh no, skunks can be quite the challenge! It’s great that you had skunk kits ready and were able to help out. Gus looks like he’s handling it well, and I hope Monte is feeling better soon. Smudge and Baxter seem to have had the right idea to keep their distance. Thanks for sharing the skunk kit recipe—definitely useful for anyone living near the woods!

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  14. So far our skunks are staying out in the Back Fortyand at the Upper End. Which is a good thing!

  15. OMGoodness! You are smart to have skunk kits at the ready. I hope those two learned their lesson about skunks--lol! :)

  16. Thankfully there are no skunks in Australia

  17. Oh NO! Bless their hearts! Glad you posted this mixture.....never know when one might need it. I do hope the smell subsides quickly. Truly is the "Dog" days

  18. I could guess that you have the remedy for skunking on hand.

  19. I can't even imagine the horror. I can't even stand it when we drive down the road and smell skunk. It almost does me in. I switch to recirculate inside air as soon as I can and it's usually to late. :-)
    Poor puppies. I'm glad you had your skunk kits to rescue them. You are amazing! I wonder if the two smart ones were laughing at the stinky ones!? Ha!

  20. I've been lucky with all my dogs. Even on the farm. We did get the skunk smell in the house every Spring. It seemed they sprayed the foundation and it would come up through the furnace vents. That's how we knew it was Spring! LOL!


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