Monday, August 26, 2024

Really Dog Days of Summer

 Really warm and humid yesterday, the kind of day that dogs dig holes so they can curl up in some cool dirt.  Another 83F/29C with 85% humidity.  

It was a good day to spray some weeds in amongst the rocks.   After sprayer difficulties I finally got it done.   That was enough outside work for the day.  Inside I cleaned the bathroom and did some know fun stuff.   Far Guy convinced me to go to lunch/supper with we did was a nice drive and good food at our favorite Mexican place.  Came home had a nap and then for a Ranger ride.  

We stopped by the neighbors, the Lilac bushes are taking a hit this year.  A Winter with no snow and a wet Spring/Summer and the Lilacs have some kind of blight.   They will come back although they look pretty bad right now.  The experts say to clean up all the leaves that have fallen off and to cut down some of the inner stems to open up the plants for more air flow. (That is my report for Roger!)

I am getting ready to go Up North for a bit...Far Guy has an appointment up there one day and down here at home the next he will travel back and forth and come get me when he misses me.  My hip simply cannot take the ride back and forth and back again. Besides that Sadie and Little Elvis will like my company. Jen has some big projects and hopefully I will be of some help. 

Far Side


  1. Safe travels! Enjoy your time with the pups.

  2. I am sure those lilacs will come back. We had a huge bush at our lake place that we wanted to get rid of. We cut it all down and that thing kept trying to come back for years!

  3. Hoping your hip gets better soon so you can get back to your usual activities. I know the dogs will be glad for your company.

  4. Sorry to hear your hip is bothering you. Hope Far Guy's appointment is just one of those check-up kinds.

  5. What a great report! I love that Jen lives in such a convenient place for your medical. Plus you all enjoy being together which is a bonus, too.

  6. Interesting. I noticed last week that our lilacs looked pretty horrible. All the leaves are dead and brown. I hope it is just a blight like yours and they will come back next spring.

  7. Hope you make it through all these happenings. I’m sure the dogs will put you in great spirits.

  8. We wondered what is wrong with the lilac bush. Now I know.You will enjoy your visit and the pups will be delighted.

  9. So much going on with you. I admire your gardening skills. A gardener I am not! Hope that hip gets to feeling better soon.

  10. It has been a very hot and wet summer here, one of the hottest on record, some of our plants have taken a beating too! Prayers for healing of your hip.

  11. At least you'll get a nice visit. I can understand the travel being hard on the body, for sure. I hope all FarGuy's appointments go smoothly and well. Looking forward to seeing pics of Sadie and Little Elvis! :)

  12. I hope you have a nice trip and can relax. I'm with you on the traveling. My hips and knees begin to hurt if I'm in the car for long periods of time. So sad for the Lilac bushes. When blight hits, it usually takes a big toll on the plants. Hopefully they will bounce back. Keep us updated on your trip

  13. It's hot an gross here too. All the kitties are staying inside during the day. Hope you have a nice little trip and Far Guy appointments go well.

  14. Have a safe ( and hopefully relatively comfortable) trip.

  15. Our older bodies don't like rough rides and tell us so by the pain doesn't matter how nice the car looks, if the ride is rough the body doesn't like it

  16. the dry summer is hard on some of the plants.

  17. We had another hot one today too. Yesterday was "feels like" 111F and today was 110F. It's still going to be hot tomorrow, but hopefully not that bad. I know the four-legged grands will be glad to have you there. My back doesn't seem to mind long car trips as long as I can recline my seat a bit. Where ever I am, I have to be able to recline somehow. Be safe my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  18. I guess I missed this post yesterday. Now I understand the comments about a trip up nirth and seeing the dogs on today's post. Have a good stay away from home, with loved family and furry friends.

  19. I hope the ride isn't too bad for you and your hip.
    We had the super duper hot and humid stuff here too. The dew point was 76 which was incredible. At night we didn't get under 80 F.
    Hopefully we are at the end of that today, Tuesday as it seems to be cooling down a bit.


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