Friday, August 23, 2024

So it goes

 We are only assured of the here and tomorrow. 

Like I said so it goes.  

I have a cousin who has lived in Alaska for many years.  She died recently, she was 68 years old.  She had bypass surgery and was released from the hospital, was in the car ready to go home when she said "something was not right" her husband took her into the ER immediately and she died shortly after.   

I am happy that I mailed her two packets of old photos of her family...she sent me some very nice thank you cards.   She loved her life and family in Alaska.

Old photo taken about, my baby brother and our cousin Diane.  ( Her mom and my mom were sisters)
Far Side


  1. Sorry for the loss of your cousin. I'd like to visit Alaska sometime, Hubs would like to live there.

  2. My sympathies on the passing of your cousin, she was far too young. I'm sure the photos brought back happy memories for her.

  3. So sad. I wish she would have lived, but I guess her number was up. We don't know when, but we know that eventually we will all join her.

  4. Yikes. Sometimes I wonder if patients aren't released way too soon to cut costs for insurance and the hospitals.
    I'm so sorry for your loss. Such a young age too.

  5. A solemn reminder of a truth. I'm sorry.

  6. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. My sympathy to you and your family.

  7. Oh no! What a shocker for everyone. I'm so sorry about your cousin. Her husband will definitely be prayed for. Like you said, we only have the current moment. I'm so glad I have hope in the Lord.
    Blessings and love,

  8. What a shock for her family and for you. I'm so sorry. But like you said---and so it goes. Sigh!

  9. What a tragic end to what was supposed to be a new lease in life for your cousin. I'm sorry for your loss. Nice that you had just sent her those photos and you had a note from her in response.

  10. I'm sorry for your loss. What a shock for the family. I'm sure glad you sent her the photos.

  11. Wow! That's scary. Bypass surgery is supposed to be routine. My condolences for your loss.

  12. I am so sorry for your loss. It is wonderful you sent the photos.

  13. So sorry Connie! We just never know do we?

  14. She was so young! I hope when I die it’s quick. I don’t want to hang around waiting. Live each day!

  15. I'm sorry. I am glad you got to share those photo memories.

  16. My condolences! I'm sure she loved receiving those old photos.

  17. So sorry to hear about your Cousin. God bless her.

  18. What a tragic way to go! Goodness! I'm glad they hadn't left the hospital quite yet. It could have been much worse for her husband. Thanks for including the picture! Sounds like she had a good life. :)

  19. Oh, that's so sad and she was young! I'm glad she had a good life.


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