Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 The bear visits many times a week.  The outside cameras catch him coming from the North pausing in our yard and taking off to the South.  He is most likely hunkered down in a den someplace close to us.   So far he has been seen only at night.   He is causing heck with the chokecherries trees, he pulls them over sometimes breaking them to get at the chokecherries that are starting to ripen. 

Far Guy says when the wind is just right he thinks he can smell the bear.  he is not just a cute cuddly bear cub either. 

We have no bird feeders out for him, and our garbage that is in a locked garage is not accessible. So he is not eating here...apparently just passing through. 

Such is life in the country.

A photo I took of the video. 
Far Side


  1. We just have foxes. But they come really close to the house.

  2. I enjoy learning the motions of wildlife though my yard. In my case, they head west in the early morning and east in the evenings. Do you ever see the bear heading north?

  3. Scary! 😱 RHill, TX

  4. do live in the boonies! My mom told me about the time a bear came up to her sliding glass door and rubbed his butt on it.

  5. Good for you for bear proofing. We have to, as well.

  6. Pretty scary. Glad it is only passing through!

  7. Bears are okay if they mind their own business. Sometimes they get too curious.

  8. I have never seen a bear and don't think I will. My country life is not quite as country as yours!

  9. We have a bear that comes thru a couple of times in the fall just before they start to den up for the winter. the first time he ate about 20 pounds of bird seed that we were keeping outside. After that, we got a metal bucket with a lid that closed pretty well. The next year, he carried the whole thing off about a hundred feet from the house, where he also carried some garbage sacks he took from our outside plastic garbage tote. He busted up the metal can pretty well to get the bird seed inside and ate another 20 pounds or so.

    He (or she) only comes by in the fall, but now we keep all birdseed and everything else inside the garage. It has not yet tried to break in there yet, probably easier pickin's elsewhere. It has not bothered the bird feeder, but it is about 8 feet off the ground, so maybe that saves it.
    We have not actually seen the bear, but our nearest neighbor, about 300 feet away, sees it every time it comes thru. Nothing like a message like "we saw the bear again and it is walking up the driveway towards your house".

    But, we live in their territory, so we have to try and get along with all of the wildlife. We have a few foxes around, and they are beautiful to see when we catch a glimpse of one.

  10. So far the bear haven't come down the Plateau to us---they do sometimes during sweet corn season. Which is on right now. I find game cameras a tad fun. Seeing your bear is very interesting, although, being out there WITH the bear would not be interesting.

  11. He's a good sized bear! Smart of you to keep things locked up, as I'm sure it would make even a bigger mess.

  12. We have traveled thousands of miles in our travels looking for bears, and to think you have one right there in your area. We finally did see one a couple years ago just outside of Estes Park Colorado. I think they are fascinating, but I know they can be very dangerous. He does look to be pretty good size. I would be scared to go outside at night. Stay safe

  13. I struggle to imagine what it would be like to have a bear wandering around your property. Here, they are only found in zoos (thank goodness!).

  14. We have a whole family of deer who cut through by my bedroom window at night - in an area about 8 feet wide between the house and the garage. I am mad enough about my invasion - I don't want ticks that close to my grandkids play area. But a BEAR!!!!!! That really makes me nervous.

  15. Your bear-proofing is preventing a lot of damage and hassle. He/She must be getting food somewhere near you!

  16. Bears are scary but this one seems to be minding his own business, mostly.

  17. Bears don't smell very good, do they!! We had one come right to our RV once ( at night) when we were wilderness camping. With the window open I smelled his stink before I heard him move around ( we had left nothing that it could possibly eat).

  18. If you don't have food for him, you are not interesting. That's a good thing.

  19. Keep on walking Mr. Bear, nothing to eat there.... Sorry about the chokecherry trees though.
    My sister had a holiday trailer parked in an RV lot and one day when she went to town for groceries she came back to find that a bear had ripped off the door, gone in and opened up the fridge and took what it could find which wasn't much. The campground attendant didn't do anything to scare the bear off.

  20. Can't believe you've got a visiting bear!

  21. I worry a bit about you two having a bear so close. Do you carry bear spray when you're out mowing? I hope you have some protection. Please be careful.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. Everyone says I am too mean and the bear would run away from me:)

  22. I wouldn't want to deal with a bear here, but I'd love to see one passing through.

  23. Be careful when you go outside know they're trying to "bulk up" before they hibernate and we don't want them "bulking up" on you or Far Guy!


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