Monday, August 19, 2024


 We got two flats of peaches from the local Lion's Club fundraiser.  Every year they truck in peaches from Colorado.   They have excellent flavor.

We went easy on ourselves this year...usually we slip the skins on the peaches...this year I pealed them and sliced them.  (better than Far Guy standing over a hot stove),  Far Guy put a small amount of sugar on them and some fruit fresh and then vacuum sealed them into servings for two. (about a peach and a half) They they were put in the deep Fall and Winter we will enjoy them because they are as good as fresh! 

What a sticky mess we made!

I have a story about my Dad and Peaches.   I used to dog sit for Al and Erna the next door neighbors.  They had a poodle named Peaches.  She got along well with our dogs, so it was not a problem.   My Dad would often come over in the afternoon for a cup of coffee/cookies and he would bring along a paperback novel hidden in his coat pocket, he would settle in with his coffee and his book in the recliner and read for awhile.  (My Mother did not like him wasting time reading at home.) When I was dog sitting Peaches...Dad would say "OH you have Bitches again."  I would reply her name is Peaches...Dad would answer  "Bitches" and then he would proceed to give her bits and pieces of cookies and say "come here Bitches"...and so my afternoon would go.   I told him he better be careful when visiting the neighbors because he could mess up the poor dogs name.  I can still hear him laughing at me!

Far Side 


  1. Great story about your dad. Seems a shame that your mom didn't approve of reading, but I guess she wanted everybody busier--lol! Your dad sounds like such a character. :)

  2. When we lived in Wyoming, we always looked forward to Colorado peaches. You had to act fast - they were only available for a couple of weeks. We always bought a big box, ate some fresh, and froze the rest. My husband loved them on his cereal in the morning. To freeze them, we just washed them, wrapped each one in aluminum foil and put it in the freezer. It didn't take long for it to thaw enough to slice and the skin slipped right off.

  3. That is a funny story about your dad! What I find just as funny is that your mom did not want him wasting time reading at home!

    1. My Mom did not read books and considered it a waste of time, so Dad had to hide his books and reading. Dad loved reading.

  4. I can think of worse things to call a dog.

  5. Those peaches look fabulous! And such a great idea to prepare them for a treat in wintertime. Love the story about your dad.

  6. Funny story! I can recall canning peaches for---eeevvver it seemed as a kid. Hot sticky icky and boring. However we loved to eat them for desert.
    LOL. Reading is never a waste of time. Words and stories are a good thing.

  7. Love the dad story! Thinking about canning peaches made me think of growing up. My folks always got a couple of flats of fresh peaches to can. I don't like peaches - but got to help anyway. My husband loves them so I buy fresh peaches in small quantities for him to enjoy. And always find sticky spots all over the kitchen after he gets done skinning and slicing them. LOL

  8. What a special "Dad" story. Those are precious memories.

  9. Palisade peaches are the best peaches I’ve ever eaten. I look forward to the truck from Colorado every year.

  10. Your dad sounds like a fun guy. Sly, too!!

  11. LOL....Your dad story is adorable. Thanks for sharing it with us. AND...goodness, those peaches look beautiful. You all will sure enjoy the freshness of these peaches and will be thankful, even though it did make an icky sticky mess.

  12. Due to a late frost in our Okanagan there are next to no B.C. peaches this year. The imported ones have hardly any flavour ( once they ripen, which takes a while). We miss having juicy tasty peaches.
    Love the story about your Dad.

  13. Your Dad had a wicked sense of humor. I'll bet you have other stories like this.

  14. The peaches made my mouth water.

    My mother didn’t like for us to read. Me and three sisters were all avid readers. My little sister was a downs. She never even got to attend school. There were no schools for special kids then in AR. She could not read.

  15. I had forgotten about frozen peaches. Yes, they are a delicious winter treat. I do hate removing the skins though, so I usually buy nectarines. Washington grown tree fruits are abundant right now.

  16. Ok I like peaches haven't had one in a long time .
    The tale about dad and bitches made me remember when I was very young we had a dog called Chip but I would call it Shit so dad changed it's name to Mike

  17. I do recall my mom canning peaches every fall. The fruit truck would actually drive out to the farms and deliver the fruit. Mom would purchase a case each of apples, peaches, and pears. We ate the apples right away while the rest was put up for winter eating. I happened to prefer pears, but the peaches were delicious too.
    Oh your Dad, what a character!

  18. Oh, I wish we could get peaches like that....I just have to go to Walmart.


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