Thursday, August 22, 2024


I had an eye appointment, it all went well and after some further testing that I do every year since I am a Glaucoma suspect, I am certain that I will get the all clear.  My Ophthalmologist is retiring the end of September.  So it is a good thing I am getting everything done before he retires.  Six hours after the appointment I still have dilated pupils and can hardly wait for the sun to go down. 

Look at the Yellow Pear tomato plant!  Only a few tomatoes have ripened so far but there are many coming on.

The sheep water tank works great there are two plants that were planted, they had such intertwined roots that Far Guy planted them together.  They are almost as tall as the garage. 

Far Side


  1. Having your eyes dilated like that is no fun at all!

  2. You will have a bumper crop, it looks like. Nice!

  3. Did you know you can ask for a half dose of the dilation juice? I have problems with it lasting too long and a comment to the doctor got me just half.

  4. I've had glaucoma since the age of 25. It's a family curse. My eye doctor is wanting to retire but can't find anyone to take over his practice. (Our family were his first patients when he first set up private clinic, so a LONG time. ) His clinic is very modern too. No more eye drops. He has machines that are like an MRI for the eye. I am loving that after all those years of that dilation torture.

  5. Tomatoes are about done here. Hope yours produce abundantly.

  6. I had one last year that closely resembled yours! I planted late, so nothing is ripe yet.

  7. I recall the yellow tomatoes from last year and how tall they grew. You've definitely found the right spot for them in your yard.
    Glad to hear your eye appointment went well.

  8. My son has glaucoma and my dad had it for over 40 years so I have to get tested every so often. I hate that dilation, too.
    Glad your tomatoes are doing okay.

  9. I'm getting some all along. Not alot one or two here and there.

  10. I know you feel good getting this done before the doctor retires. It is so difficult to start all over again with new doctors. Hopefully they have others in the clinic who use the same standards of practice as your retiring doctor. Such a huge plant and how great that the sheep water trough worked out perfect for these. Enjoy the tomatoes...

  11. Our eye doctor in Spokane retired the year before we moved back to Omaha. We had gone to him for over 25 years. He was like the guy next door, always sat and talked to Dennis when we went in. About pouring concrete for his driveway, trimming trees, weed control, etc. You felt like he was someone you always knew and could ask for help with whatever you needed. It was hard to find a new doctor when we moved. Now we have this young guy that is all business. In and out in less than 3 minutes and his nurse, (or assistant), does all the work.
    Take care and thanks for your kind words. God is so good.

  12. Wow, what a giant tomato! And yum to all the tommies you are going to harvest from it :)

  13. Dilation of eyes is a bummer. I hope they watch your glaucoma as they can do some things for it.

  14. I used to go to an eye doctor's practice that had the "MRI for the eye" one of your commenters mentioned. What my doctor had was called an Optimap, which does not require dilation. Sadly the practice was sold out and I no longer go there. I share your dislike of dilation. Mine takes over 6 hours to wear off.

  15. Wow....hope you enjoy many delicious tomatoes from those plants! Hope your eyes are fine. I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration about a month ago.

  16. That double tomato plant is very impressive.

  17. I like my young eye doctor, he said when and if I move to the other side of the state, he would recommend a colleague of his. It does take hours and hours for the dilation to go away!
    I may use a 25 gallon black water tank next year for some veggies, it is much like your sheep tank.
    I hope the all clear comes through!

  18. I'm very fortunate as I have to drive an hour and 1/2 to the eye doctor and drive myself home after getting my eyes dilated. I have to wear sun glasses but so far I have managed.


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