Thursday, August 8, 2024


 One night we were out just before dark, three deer were eating beans in the field.   A doe and two fawns. 

They all crossed safely in front of us. 

They like beans...just ask my sister in law she who sees robins first.  She has a raised garden just outside of her door and they have eaten all her beans. 

Far side


  1. Yes! They are pretty destructive to gardens. I don't have a veggie garden anymore, but the mules were pastured around all but one end of it and we had hound dogs.
    That kept the deer at bay. Now? They keep creeping in closer and closer.
    They are pretty but dang, I sure hate driving when they are in rut and running.

  2. You have so much wildlife to enjoy! We saw a doe and twins cross the golf course here about a week ago.

  3. The beggars also like white petunias. They eat the blooms.

  4. Sad to lose the produce, but the deer and fawns are pretty!

  5. They do make gardening a challenge, that's for sure. But I'd rather have them around than a bear! ;)

  6. They like corn fields also (sigh) they like to eat the top out the corn, and the silk off the cob.

  7. My sister is surrounded by deer, and so it her garden ~ with chicken wire!

  8. Good picture you grabbed with them crossing the road. You are so right. My husband farms about 1200 acres of nursery stock and you wouldn't believe the amount of fencing he has to use to keep the deer out of the apple and pear tree lots. They will eat them down to the ground.

  9. Peas are their favorite thing in Arkansas and sweet potato vines. Without the vine sweet potatoes don’t grow.

  10. Beautiful wildlife or destructive pests? I guess it all depends on your perspective.

  11. Now that any natural predation has been removed from their environment it is inevitable that abnormal population growth will drive deer to seek food in human settlement. They are cute but they are also destructive.

  12. Deer have always eaten all of my beans. I definitely find it easier to buy them at the farmers market or roadside stands.

  13. Reading your blog and the comments that follow, those deer sound like a really bad pest. A shame, as they are such beautiful creatures :)

  14. I live in town and we have an invasion of deer this year. It has been building and the population is out of control. I have a friend who moved to town and she said she never ever saw this many deer when she lived out in the country. Anytime I go around a curve in the road, I slow down because I just know there will be deer in the road. They are constantly running from place to place in front of my car. Some have crashed into store windows. And of course there is the family that keeps cutting through my yard. The only saving grace is that they don't seem to like tomatoes and have left mine alone.

  15. When I gardened on the farm I had 2 dogs so critters never bothered my garden.


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