Friday, August 9, 2024


 I read true sisters by Sandra Dallas.  It is historical fiction.  It is based on the Martin Companies Mormon Handcart Journey in 1856.    I give it an 8 out of a 10.  The conditions the settlers faced were very difficult.  Basically they walked 1,300 miles.  

This was my inbetween book club read.  It is heavy on the Mormon religion from a women's perspective.

Far Side


  1. Oh my...can you imagine walking 1,300 miles? And....walking in dresses...... What a hard life back in those early years. I wish you a good day!

  2. Life was definitely not easy for the early pioneers. Once they got to where they were going, they then had to break the land, build homes and other buildings. I have a lot of respect for those who came ahead.

  3. Pioneer women who went west all walked most of the way. Women were on the bottom rung of the ladder in those days and Mormon women were not even on the a ladder.

    1. You are so right---have they moved up to be on the rung now?

  4. It would be interesting to read from the woman's perspective.

  5. The pioneer days were so hard. Many people never survived it in the long run. I've always admired their strength and determination.

  6. I can hardly imagine how difficult the trip was for those women.

  7. Now that sounds like a book I could read. I just can't sit still long enough to read. I'm with you on Walz.

  8. Sandra Dallas is an author I've enjoyed. I can't even imagine how scary life had to have been as an immigrant to new places. All of our ancestors must have had grit.

  9. I love Sandra Dallas and I've read quite a few of her books but not that one. It sounds very interesting.


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