Friday, August 16, 2024

Who knew?

 I did not know what a Thermador was.  Do you?

I could not resist looking inside. 

As I understand it there is water inside the cooler and some absorbent material that soaks up the water as air flows into the Thermador the inside air is cooled...somewhat.   Some people call this a swamp cooler because sooner or later the air in the car will have high humidity!

Who knew?  Not me. 

Far Side


  1. Nope, I never have seen one before.

  2. Hmmm - very interesting! I've heard the term swamp cooler, but not Thermador. Quite the clever innovation.

  3. I've never heard of it either, and it looks very odd!

  4. Heard about them but never saw one! Love the idea!

  5. I've heard the word, I did not know what it is.

  6. I did not know! I sure appreciate the ingenuity! My husband and I are still old enough and geeky enough to rave about having air conditioning in all our vehicles - ESPECIALLY his truck. I think the first 35 years he worked on the railroad he would have to get in his baked truck after work, roll down all the windows and hope tooling down the highway at 55 would cool him off. He still raves about a truck with ac.

  7. What?! News to me. Never seen or heard of one. This falls under my frequent comment "you learn something new everyday" Check!

  8. And sometimes the water leaked and made a huge mess.

  9. Some people up the block had one when I was a kid. As I remember, it didn't work all that well and the water had to be replenished frequently. I never got to ride in the car, so I don't personally know how well it worked, but they had one of those canvas waterbags that hung off the bumper to keep water in to refill it when they were on trips. One of those things that had a very brief window of use the automotive world.

  10. Nope. Never heard of it. I remember the days it would have been greatly appreciated, though.

  11. When my daughter lived in Colorado they had a big old swamp cooler for their old house. Didn't know they used to make them for cars too.

  12. That looks like spaceship stuff to me! Pre-airconditioning for cars???

  13. I knew what it was but didn't know they were still around. My brother in Arizona cooled his house by water coolers for years until people decided that air actually worked better.


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