Monday, August 12, 2024


 Our oldest Great Grandson rides a dirt bike and a quad.  He was in age appropriate races at a County Fair.  Yes he wears a helmet too!

Here he is with his youngest sister Peach.

Peach is all smiles with a little help from her brother to keep moving! 
Far Side


  1. Astrid has a dirt bike to ride. Logan loves them so he got her one. He does races but so far Astrid just rides for fun. She runs races. He ran in some and now he wants her to race on her bike. Maybe she will.

  2. How sweet! They look very happy indeed.

  3. Sweet photos! Glad to hear he wears a helmut.

  4. Wow! Dirt bikes must be awfully exciting! They look so happy...and cute as can be. :)

  5. I was having the helmet debate today with grandsons at the bike track. (I won). What fun!

  6. My goodness, how he has grown. They are so cute!

  7. How cute to see him with his little sister. They grow up way too fast.

  8. Those two kids look like quite a team. The boy has really grown up fast. Our neighbor girl use to run a powered four wheeler in her back yard until she took a sharp turn and rolled it along with a small neighbor girl. That stopped her driving it anywhere.

  9. Fun! Boys and their toys and Big Boys and their toys! They are sure getting big!


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