Saturday, August 3, 2024

Warm Days

We have a few more days of highs in the 80's and then back down into the 70's.  I like 70's.  

I cooked 8 pounds of potatoes and 20 eggs for potato salad for a gathering on Saturday and mixed up the goop, I may get it mixed up yet Friday night after I write this blog entry...we will see what appeals more to me...a whirlpool bath or the mixing of the eggs, potatoes and goop.  I am also doing laundry inbetween cooking and of course making supper...salmon for Far Guy and hamburger for me....along with a bit of potato salad.  

 After this I am taking a vacation from cooking for three days...I am done...I am all cooked out. We can eat fruit. 

My Mom's Lilies a few years ago.

Far Side


  1. That’s a bunch of goop. About 10 pounds worth. You may need help carrying it in.

    I love the day Lily. It’s too hot here to do anything but complain so that’s what I’m doing.

    I requested the book you read at my library. Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. Lilies are beautiful. I have one that color. It hasn't spread.

    I can only make potato salad for an army and I haven't made it in a while because of my arthritis. As a mom of 5 and now mom and gramma of 22, I only make those things in huge quantity. I was thinking about potato salad the other day and realized you can probably make it in smaller quantities. And I could buy a few potatoes and make potato salad just for us. It's on my grocery list.

    Meanwhile - after all that cooking you deserve some days off!!!!

  3. That's a lot of potato salad. You say - let them eat fruit!

  4. Chilled potato salad sounds tasty and refreshing!
    I prefer the 70s, too! Can hardly wait. :)

  5. I get cooked out also. Sometimes it lasts for a week. Cooking is a tedious chore.

  6. I prefer the 70F's too. We're cooling off today and it appears it will be that way the rest of the week, hooray!

    That is whole lot of potato salad. Enjoy your weekend of no cooking.

  7. gorgeous lilies. This pink/red color is so pretty. I love potato salad and I sure miss the PS that my mom used to make. I agree with you....I'm done with cooking. I'm taking the weekend off from kitchen duty.

  8. Upper 60's, low 70's is my sweet spot. Not this stuff we have right now. We too are supposed to get cooler weather next week!

  9. Our big Asiatic lilies have just started to bloom - White Casa Blanca and pink Star Gazer. So beautiful.
    It's a bit cooler today, a fresh morning for taking a stroll in the garden after all of my PT exercises and 6 miles/40 minutes in the stationary bike. Now I've got the Olympics keeping me occupied inside, in my recliner.
    We do a lot of grilling in hot weather. I prep, Tom cooks.

  10. Potato and egg salad sounds perfect for a hot summer's day! So does fruit. I've been so glad lately that my son can cook dinner for us as I've not always been able to manage it. Our days are getting longer though - I can start looking forward to those potato and egg salad days coming back again! Take care, Mxx

  11. Never made a potato salad, never tried a potato salad ether

  12. If ever there's a time to take a break from making meals it has to be in the heat of summer.
    That's a lot of potatoes and eggs!!!

  13. that's a lot of potato salad. It would do me for a year.

  14. It's still going to be in the90's here for a few days but beginning Wed. in the high 70's for a few days. I'm hoping the humidity will be lower so I can open some windows.
    I boiled 4 dozen eggs and cooked 3 lbs of macaroni for a pasta salad and deviled eggs for a memorial service today. The church still has no power from the storm so we had to have the service and lunch at a small town City Hall. They told us they had a kitchen, BUT, it was a sink and about 3 feet of counter-top! That's it. We had tons of salads that needed refrigerated so we loaded our car up and Dennis took them to the fire station who offered their refrigerator. Then after the service he went back and got them. It was a mess trying to do clean up. Even with the sink, the water literally tricked out. It took us 40 minutes to fill a 40 cup coffee maker! I was hot and exhausted when we got home. It was only 3:30 but I took a shower and put my pj's on and flopped into my recliner. I didn't even eat dinner.
    We still have about 80,000 people without power from the storm on Wednesday.
    Blessings and hugs,

  15. wow....aren't those lilies gorgeous! Yes, you deserve a break from cooking. Take a little vacation! Maybe far guy can cook! :)

  16. That is a LOT of cooking! Yikes.
    I picked up 2 dozen ears of sweet corn and made our suppers easy. Salad, corn on the cob, and a chunk of steak grilled.

    It's almost too hot to cook!

  17. That's an awful lot of heavy duty stirring for someone with RA. Let Far Guy do the stirring while you take a whirlpool bath. Beautiful lilies.


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