Sunday, August 4, 2024


 The potato salad turned out great, I got to see some of my cousins so it was a good day.  My sister stopped by and we went through my moms jewelry box.   Cross something off my list...I have a few things that my brothers need to look at...and there is plenty of beautiful jewelry for little girls to play dress up with:) 

After the picnic I came home and had a really long nap...although maybe it was a four hour sleep....who really knows for sure when naps end and sleeps begin.   It was a warm day it was 87 F or 31C eh!

A long time siblings and our parents.  That pin that Mom is wearing was one of the pieces of jewelry that was in the jewelry box, there is a matching set of earrings.  ( My sister likes pins so it became hers) This photo was most likely taken in about 1971 or 1972. 

Far Side


  1. The last time my family got together was in 2012 I have a photo somewhere of my brother, sister, and I with my mom.
    I don't even think we ever took family photos, though my dad was always taking photos of us.

    Fun to look back on our pictures.

  2. My sister and I did that after our mother passed away...
    Cool photo!

  3. lovely memories...still in the tearful stage here about mine i'm afraid, and having her things is comforting yet sad at the same time...

  4. That is a really nice photo. I enlarged it to study the pin and the faces of your family. You are definitely related! Sending you lots of love and virtual hugs.

  5. We had a family photo like that on top of the TV for many years. It had the family dog in it, too, because I insisted that she was part of the family. So glad Candy got included. I wondered if the photographers came around door to door because we were at home (hence the dog) and so many people in the neighborhood had similar looking family photographs. However it came about, they are priceless to keep in the family. :)

  6. It sounds like you had a lovely visit with family. Lovely photo of your family!

  7. Nice photo! You are getting through the items on your list.

  8. What a neat photo! I am so glad you have it!

  9. The only jewelry I kept was my mom's engagement ring. I have the engagement rings going back to one of my great great grandmothers. Someday, I need to build some sort of display for them because right now, they reside in a velvet bag inside my case that displays other things I have inherited from my ancestors.

  10. Such a wonderful family photo to have and remember with. I went through all of my jewelry last week and let Piper have what she wanted that I no longer where. The rest will be donated somewhere. My "good" jewelry will be divided up when I'm gone between Piper and Baby J, (and any other girls Alex & "T" may have someday.)
    Sometimes I get in a contemplative mood and think about my life and how everyone in the world is the same as I am. Wrapped up in their own lives and the "important" business is their own life. Not realizing or thinking about when we're no longer here. Have I made any significant impact on anyone around me? I would like to think so. And where on earth did all that heavy thinking come from?! lol
    I took an hour long nap yesterday too after all the work at the Memorial service I was exhausted.
    I hope your Sunday is wonderful Connie!
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. I know you cherish this photo... Glad the pot salad was enjoyed by many. I am sure that the pin your sister got was meaningful to her, especially after being able to see it on your mom in this photo. How wonderful.

  12. I like the family photo. We have one that's a little earlier taken about 1966 or 67. It looks much the same except we are older.

  13. Family photos are priceless! Happy to hear you had a nice visit AND a nice nap/sleep.

  14. What a nice family photograph. Do people still take those pictures anymore now with cell phones and selfies?

  15. What a gorgeous family photo! Glad your potato salad worked out well :)

  16. Nice old picture from the 70's. I like your hair.

  17. When Mum passed I Got all her jewellery took what I wanted asked my girls to take anything they wanted and passed it on to my sister to do the same.

  18. So neat to look back in time. I love the pin. Nice to let several have keepsake for a memory.

  19. What a nice picture of your family. Thank you for sharing it. Glad the picnic went so well and you even got a good nap after it. Things should cool down nicely soon. At least I hope so. I LoVE 70's weather.

  20. Great family photo! I don't remember ever sitting for a formal family photo as a kid. Our little family now is overdue for another family photo shoot. Glad you had such a good visit with family.

  21. It is a difficult time, but honouring their memories by this. Lovely.

  22. I've got all the jewelry, gramma's, great aunt, and mom's. One of these days I am going to sit down with my daughters and divide it between them. Since we first talked about it I was blessed with two granddaughters. And we still haven't done it.


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