Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 The lawns are still actively green and growing here.  We had rain last week and I could not mow for several days.  I was a bit behind.  Usually I have things under control in the rotation. 

 This is one of the places I mow.  The lawn looks great, I had to go over the overgrown spots a couple of times.  It is a pretty lawn, not many chokecherries there this year and few to no wild raspberries along the edges.  I saw no signs of bear activity over there. 

Usually by mid August the grass stops growing...not so this year. 

Far Side


  1. Sounds like you've had fair amounts of rain this year...lawn looks pretty!

  2. I need to mow again My treeline is loaded with wild raspberries. We've given into nature.

  3. No green grass here but loads of choke cherries and Saskatoons.

  4. You've obviously had more rain than we have. Our front lawn is burning off and the back yard is barely growing. Glad the bears are staying away.

  5. Oh! That looks great! So you mow more than one lawn? It is fun to mow when it isn't hot and awful outside.

  6. Your lawn does look nice. I looked at mine and not sure if it's weeds or grass anymore.

  7. I’ll be mowing this week too. Trying not to complain. Better to mow than have drought and dead grass.

  8. We have a mostly green lawn, but then we just got the water bill. Oh my! With the latest rain we have turned off the automatic sprinklers for now.

  9. It doesn't take long for dry brown grass to green up after a good rain, does it!!

  10. I'm glad there is at least one area with no sign of bear activity! The green grass lawn looks lovely, by the way.

  11. Oh....those green green grasses of home look beautiful. Our grasses around here are now brown from the heat. We are also under a burn ban in our county.

  12. You are right. Such rains. It is usually hot and dry by now.

  13. Grass is still growing about 4 inches a week here at the condo. Seriously. Zoey hates it when it's that long just before the mowers come again. :-) Thanks for your sweet words today on my blog.

  14. We have actively growing grass here too. So much rain this summer! AND our lawn mower guy quit on Friday. He's supposed to mow on Thursdays...he emailed Friday night after not showing up, and said he quit. So we were already over due. Bruce mowed it yesterday, it looks like a hay field. Sigh.


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