Friday, August 30, 2024


 Lots of stuff for sale Up North

At least the rain stopped!

Garage is ready for the big sale. Sadie has been really good staying under the check out table near my feet.

Lots of good conversations with different people. Sales could be better but they are what they are.

Far Guy managed his infusion back home all by himself, he will be back to pick me up one day soon. 

Far Side


  1. Lolol...well, I Hope Far Guy remembers to retrieve you! lolol

  2. I hope sales pick up and you get to see a whole heap of things walk out the door :)

  3. We are about to get back to cleaning our garage, but we don't have garage sales at our place, and the one single local thrift store just stop taking donations (for an entire month). I will have to find other options to donate too. I have a huge stack of books too get rid of too. I hope your sale goes well.

  4. Wow. What a lot of stuff. I think I see some Donna Parker books?

  5. Ahhh, garage sales! I do enjoy browsing and always think carefully before getting anything these days to add to the stuff I'll have to eventually clean out anyway.

    Hope it goes well.

  6. Always feels good to purge and get rid of stuff!

  7. Everything looks so well organized...Hopefully today will be a great day of sales. You are right about the conversations. At our last GS just a couple of weeks ago, I had one lady (who I had never met before) talk to me for over an hour. I know she was lonely as I learned that none of her family lives nearby. Perhaps this is the reason she goes to garage sales. Our sale was slow on Friday, and on Saturday, we sold almost everything. Hoping all the stuff sells today.

  8. Oh my goodness. That is a garage full!

  9. I've never done a garage sale. They look like a lot of work. Hopefully sales will now pick up.

  10. Garage sales are so much work. Hope your sales pick up!!

  11. The good old garage sale! They don't work well here anymore.

  12. Good of you to deal with the garage sale. It's is a heck of a lot of work for (often) very little reward. I've given up and either sell on line or donate the darned stuff.

  13. Sadie and Grandma---a perfect combination!

  14. Your garage sale looks inviting and organized! I hope the sales pick up over the weekend.
    Sadie would be a good garage sale assistant. ;)

  15. Lots of end of the Summer yard sales this year in Laramie. I rarely go because I worked hard to get rid of my “stuff” when I moved.

  16. Looks like a lot of good stuff. Good luck with your sale.

  17. Garage sales are somewhat hit and miss when it comes to how successful they are

  18. Good luck with the sales! Nice to find homes for unwanted items.

  19. Glad you're having a good time there and glad far guy's infusion went well. Enjoy your time there and the big sale too!

  20. Is that you or Jen in pic? Dee

  21. My garage sale days are over. I just take it to the thrift store and donate it. Garage sales are a lot of work!


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