Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Queen - agers

 Usually I am not impressed with stuff on Facebook but one of my friends posted that older women should be known as Queen - agers.  That is a nice thought. 

I am not much for the political drama, I will leave it all in God's hands.  In fact I am just too old for any kind of drama.  The latest drama is a prior authorization for a med that Far Guy uses...he has been after a new prescription for about six weeks is one thing after another...the Dr didn't write it correctly, the Dr changed it, have the Dr resend the script, the Dr ordered a quantity not covered by insurance, you need a prior authorization is an on going drama. 

Enough of that.  

We are getting fresh sweet corn now and it is wonderful!  So we are planning meals around sweet corn...grilled cheese, brats, moons over my hammy....they all work well with sweet corn.  

On Sunday we went to our favorite Mexican place with my baby brother, she who sees robins first, Jen and Andy. We did not get our favorite waitress but she stopped by to say Hi!  Jen and Andy came to visit the old folks...Jen vacuumed out the sauna and Andy blew out my dusty garage and dumped the shop vac for me. We had a fun time with Sadie...she loves all the sticks in our yard. 

 I am still waiting for a referral to the Orthopedic Dr and a referral to a different Rheumatologist.  The Rheumatology Dept needs a referral then it goes to a committee to see if you should be seen by Rheumatology, then to another group to assign you a Doctor and then you get an appointment.  So it could be months. 

Far Side


  1. Hope you get hubby's med problem straightened out...darn doctors!
    I keep trying to figure out what part of the country you live in that you have to wait so long for a doctor to make an appointment! That crazy and can be dangerous to have to wait so long. Hope you get that worked out, as well...soon. I think I'd be laying a grievance on someone...

  2. speaking of older ladies you must watch this hilarious video by donnalou stevens on youtube....

  3. Had a similar experience with a drug requiring prior authorization. We started the process in April and finally I got the first dose in July.

  4. My friend John has an appointment with a neurologist and has to wait three months for the visit!

  5. I am sorry you and Gene are having so much trouble with prior consent with your insurances. There has to be a better way.

  6. Queen-agers has a nice ring to it.
    I hope everything gets straightened out for Far Guy soon and you get your referral and doctor's appointment quickly.

  7. Queen-agers! I'm all in on that! I'm really sorry you are on the medical merry-go-round.

  8. I am a Democrat. I could vote for a descent Republican but I usually don’t find any. Glad I do not take prescriptions. Sounds like a nightmare.

  9. Queen-agers is a great idea! Let's celebrate getting older. Waiting is so frustrating with medical care. It really needs to be less drama.

  10. You have been busy and some of it sounds like lots of fun! Thankful your daughter and son-in-law did a few things for you around the house while you entertained Sadie. It is wonderful when time-consuming tasks are done by others so we have more time for other things. The medical world - - - GRRRR - - - - If and when they finally get a correct diagnosis for a person - - they need to send results to the primary doctor who referred you - - - and if the primary refers you, your records should be at the specialists' offices by the time you get there - - - without the patient taking her own copies of the results so the specialist knows your reasons for being there - - but that can go in the same file as what you are dealing with right now between RA and Rx. Thanks for the great update!

  11. The way our health system works is a frustrating maze of red tape. I hope you and FarGuy get all those issues straightened out soon.
    I can picture Sadie playing with all the sticks in your yard! :)

  12. Queen-agers...haha. Well from one Queenager to another I hope all your medical issues can be cleared up satisfactorily.
    Nice that Jen & Andy could come by for a visit and a little help too.

  13. I had to go look up Moons Over My Hammy as I've never heard of them - they sound delicious, though, and I found a recipe so may have to try them out one day soon.
    Your health care system sounds as inefficient as ours is. The people are great, but the system itself is rather broken, sadly.
    Hopefully you will not have to wait too long for an appointment.

  14. It sucks when it takes months to get into see a specialist, I hope your wait isn't too long

  15. Medical issues are no longer simple at all. We had this issue and actually had to end up using a pharmacy out of Canada in order to get my husband's med. What has happened to our Medical program? I am with you on that drama stuff....It is stressful and I want NO part of it. Love the Black eyed Susan.

  16. We're having brats and corn on the cob for dinner today.
    There are very few "fast" appointments anymore. Your prescription drama seems way to unreasonable though.

  17. Too many hoops to jump through in the health dept. It shouldn't be all that complicated to see someone about arthritis. Same run around here.

  18. Gosh, months. Mind you you don't want to be at the head of the line. That's what happens in Canada if it is serious.

  19. Oh my gosh, I can't believe all the medical problems. And having to wait, wait, wait for these things to get straightened out. Praying for you both, that these problems get better and soon.

  20. I had to look up what moons over my hammy was. It does sound good with sweet corn. I love sweet corn season; I could eat it every night and sometimes I do exactly that.

  21. That is a lot of red tape you guys are going through. I hope it all gets straightened out. Yo u have a great daughter and son-in law!


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