Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 When I woke up yesterday morning it looked very much like a sauna out the windows...steamy, humid and hot.  It had rained during the night...I heard it thunder. 

I did some mowing so that it doesn't get too long before I get back to mow some more.   In this weather the grass sure grows. (Similar to being in a Greenhouse I guess)  Monday was the last of our very warm days for  a bit...back to the 70's again...:)

Window boxes in town just beginning to show a few Dahlias.

We are getting a few more Yellow Pear Tomatoes everyday. 

Far Side


  1. we are just going into a few more days of horrid heat and humidity here...thanks for all you kind comments on my blog!

  2. I miss having tomatoes everyday. Think I'll try planting one for Fall and see if it grows...

  3. We were at 98 yesterday, cooler temps are coming. Rain is good! Give those dogs pats on the head today!

  4. The humidity here is horrible and I know what you mean when you say Sauna. Rain is always so nice, but for us, it makes the humidity 10 times worse. I know the window boxes are beautiful when the Dahlias and other flowers are in full bloom. Hoping you get an abundant supply of the yellow pear tomatoes.

  5. Hope your trip north is a good one. It was really humid here yesterday but there was so much cloud cover it didn't get quite as hot as predicted. Still not pleasant outside however. We got some rain last night but no severe weather thankfully.

  6. We are in the midst of our August drought. Stuff is dying if it is not watered. Hopefully there will be rain this weekend. It is getting too dry outside.

  7. We had a huge storm last night. It will be cooler but no relief on humidity. It's tropical. My tomatoes are just starting to ripen.

  8. It's a sauna over here in Southern Ontario too - we have thunderstorms today so I'm hoping it helps take things down a notch!

  9. I hope my tomatoes start producing. We've only had a very few. It really feels like fall here. Early fall. I wonder if we are going to have an early winter. Oh, shudder, I hope not!

  10. I had to go back a post to catch up. Hopefully the heat will break and yuou can have fun with family and their dogs. Enjoy!

  11. From mid-90s to low 70s. I prefer the low 70s, any day. Flowers anytime we can get them, though. :)

  12. Steamy humid and hot sounds most unpleasant. Hopefully your weather will cool down soon (and get a bit drier!).

  13. We've had a couple of days of cooler weather, though this afternoon is quite warm. My daughter did the mowing, while I did some weeding and cleaned up the shed. It sure is easier when it isn't too hot. Enjoy your few days of cooler weather.

  14. I would love to try Dahlias again. My Grandmother grew them and they were amazing.

    We had the threat of rain last night but it missed us and then we got a bit this morning which helped temper things a bit.
    It doesn't feel so nasty out right now.

  15. I have a headache and it's not cold but I am

  16. Rain like that would be very welcome here . We are very very dry.

  17. We had thunder and rain here during the night last night. It went on and on and it was hot and humid again today. I'm just waiting, waiting for some cooler weather.
    Blessings and hugs,


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