Saturday, August 17, 2024


 We have many visitors hat go through our yard.  Chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, fox, skunk, raccoons,  porkypines, deer and bear.   We even have a black and white kittycat...not a skunk.  

Sometimes the visitors blend in with the environment. 

Yesterday we needed the skunk spray. There was a strong odor of skunk just outside the bedroom window.  If you opened the window you could really smell it...but outside it seemed ok.  We mixed up a batch of skunk odor remover and put it in a spray applicator and Far Guy put it on all the rocks on that side of the house. 

This week we visited with old friends from Iowa, Ginny has been coming on vacation to this area since 1951...and she has only missed a few years.  We met Ginny and her husband Mike in 1973.  I had some old photos that my Mom had kept of their family.  So they enjoyed the blast from the past! 

Far Side


  1. Fun to get together with old friends...

  2. There is a spray to keep skunks away? Do tell me about it! I've used moth balls and garlic powder in great amounts in our sheds ....

    1. It will not keep them away..just helps remove the odor. I have heard Moth Balls are the best, I used to take netting put moth balls inside and hang them from the trees around the perimeter of the yard.

  3. Have you mentioned how you make your skunk odor remover? Sounds like it would be handy.

    1. Skunk Kit:

      1 quart Hydrogen Peroxide

      1/4 cup baking soda

      1 teaspoon soft soap or dish soap like dawn

      Rubber gloves

      Mix in a bucket and apply to the may bleach the hair of your dog. You can repeat treatments then rinse well and then bathe the dog with shampoo.

    2. Thank you! We often smell them this time of year, but have not seen one yet. If we get a dog again, this will be helpful as well.

  4. Hope that spray eliminates that smell. We haven't seen - or smelled - any skunks in our yard in a few years. I always worried that they would be rabid. At our previous house my brother-in-law shot a rabid badger 5' from my front door. The wildlife is fascinating to watch from a distance.

  5. I wonder who frightened the skunk and set it off? Skunk smell is definitely not something to enjoy.
    Sounds like a wonderful visit with your long time friends!

  6. It's been a long time since I've seen, or smelled, a skunk. Lately it turkeys, deer and racoons.

  7. sooo... what is the odor removal formula? think it would work on Idaho skunks?

    1. Skunk Kit:

      1 quart Hydrogen Peroxide

      1/4 cup baking soda

      1 teaspoon soft soap or dish soap like dawn

      Rubber gloves

      Mix in a bucket and apply to the may bleach the hair of your dog. You can repeat treatments then rinse well and then bathe the dog with shampoo.

  8. Skunks can be a big nuisance. We have skunks wandering around but rarely any stinks.

  9. Skunks are pretty active right now.

  10. Wow! You do get a bunch of different critters. I live in the burbs and I get possums and deer along with gray and black squirrels, and an occasional white squirrel and hummingbirds, and its just so fun to watch! I bet you get a good show with what you see. Enjoy!

    Goodnight Gram

    Goodnight Gram

  11. Yes, I had to look twice!
    Friends you've had for so very long are truly treasures. :)

  12. I saw a skunk by your driveway Thursday late afternoon. Black and white kitty (interesting). We had a big black and white stray cat here for years but haven't seen him this summer. Skunk smell - phew!

  13. Out of all the animals mentioned in your first paragraph, we only have kitty-cats in our gardens. We have deer but they don't come into urban areas. I would find it fascinating (and probably terrifying sometimes!) to see such a parade wandering through the back yard :)

  14. All kinds of visitors. I find the deer appealing ( I wouldn't if they ate my flowers though) and I'm sure I wouldn't want a skunk coming around. Nice that you got to visit with your old friends.

  15. Skunk stink remover? Wow...I've never been successful getting rid of that smell...especially off the dog! Though the last dog we had that got skunked was Bonnie. Katie was never off a leash long enough to run into trouble. Hopefully Penny doesn't have that experience either!

  16. I did see your "deer" friends in that photo.
    And how nice to have dear old summer friends visit year after year.

  17. You have deer friends and dear friends! Better than bear friends and bare friends.

  18. Sure hope you get rid of that skunky smell outside your house. How nice that you got to visit with old friends. Hope you're both feeling OK.

  19. We always had a skunk smell in the Spring and Fall. They would spray the foundation and it would come up through the vents. I never knew there was spray to get rid of it.
    I can see mama and cute!

  20. I'll have to bookmark this! Our skunks are mostly nocturnal, though.

  21. We went for a drive around our lake yesterday getting Della out of the house. We saw deer only as wildlife. We have raccoons that come for birdseed. I guess the chipmunk comes for birdseed.


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