Friday, August 2, 2024

Book Club : August

 The Book Club gathered at a local park for a book exchange, snacks and a discussion of the book The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post by Allison Pataki.   It is historical fiction....that is the type of book I like best.

This was one of my selections to read.  I give it an 8 out of a 10.  It was an enjoyable read.  It might have gotten a 9 out of 10 but about 20 pages of the book were missing and replaced with a different book.  Frustrating for this reader...the other gals had to brief me about the goings on in those 20 pages.  I put the book in the paper recycling bin so it won't happen to anyone else. 

I took a few books to exchange and brought just as many back home. Not that I need another book in this house.  

Far Side


  1. My mother bought a book she really wanted to read. It turned out to be half of the book… twice. She took it back to the shop, explained the problem and got her money back. Some weeks later she went back to the shop and there this very same book was, back on the shelf.

  2. With these really hot days, reading has been my savior! This past week I've read 5 books. I grew up nabbing my dad's paperbacks [he read on the train while commuting to work]. So I read a ton of mysteries.

    Right now I'm cruising through Robert Parkers Jesse Stone series. Not deep thoughtful books, but swift reading with a good who-dunnit-theme.

  3. I’ll see if my library can get this book.

  4. Oh frustrating this must have been, and makes you wonder why anyone would do that. Glad your book club gals were able to update you on the happenings in those missing pages. I need to read more books.

  5. That sounded like a fun book club meeting. The book club I used to be part of was a fun group of ladies. We had a big bin of books to exchange. Most of those gals have moved away or passed away, so the group gradually just gave up.

  6. What a shame that you ended up with a misprint.

    I did chuckle at the exchange. That happens to me too.

  7. Twenty pages from a different book? What the....! I will put this on my list of books.

  8. I can imagine how frustrating that was to be missing those pages. How in the world does that happen? It does sound like you have a great book club.
    I used to read more when I was working. How can I be retired and never have time to read now?
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. I didn't even know that could happen to a book! Good grief!
    Glad it was a good one this time...probably because you picked it. :)

  10. I've never heard of that kind of book mix up before. Got to fe frustrating.

  11. I have been diving into a lot of biographies this summer. I think everyone is about a woman and her life. Unusual as I am usually a cozy fiction mystery person. I would pitch a fit if my book was missing TWENTY pages!! Good grief. Thank you for not inflicting it on another.

  12. Your book sounds interesting. Too bad your copy was messed up.

  13. That would probably only happen to you ;-D. Glad you could get filled in on the missing pages!


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