Thursday, August 15, 2024

Oh Crap

 The bear is still in our area, eating chokecherries and messing up ant hills.  

He left a calling card.

He has all but torn down our cedar fence in the wild gardens.

Chokecherry bushes broken off in our driveway.


We have not seen him in the daytime ...yet.  My husband tells me that the bear would be afraid of my lawn mower when I am out mowing...and just maybe the bear has heard that I am too cranky to mess with.  

Apparently the bear likes the ants...they must be a delicious. 

Far Side


  1. Wow. That is interesting that bears eat ants. Hope it stays away for you guys.

  2. Nothing like a good side of
    You just be careful to look behind you if you get on the lawnmower! And carry protection...

  3. I didn't know bears eat ants. I'd say let him finish them off.

  4. I wasn't expecting your title to be quite so literal. lol

  5. Wow - that bear is becoming a nuisance. Are there other ways to encourage him to stay away?

  6. It's taking care of the ants for you, that's one good thing. If the bear is smart it will leave you alone!

  7. ...and ants are health food for bears. Bears are a worry around residences.

  8. My guess is the fence when down when it was being used for a scratching post for the bear's back - - possibly. Bummer though having that kind of visitor rather than the neighbor's sweet pups.

  9. He must be a cranky bear to damage the fence so much.

  10. Bear---we don't have any here this year. I think there has been enough moisture on the Plateau they have lots of food.

  11. My first time to view bear poop.😂😂 I appreciate the education. I would not want to meet him even on the lawnmower!

  12. At least it likes ants! Can't think of anything else good about it coming around. :(

  13. He's a pest alright with one redeeming feature - he eats ants. I do hope neither of you run into him.

  14. I would be putting up electric fence to discourage him. Of course, it would have to be where he would touch it with his face as thick bear fur probably would prevent getting zapped.

  15. Wasn't that good of the bear to leave you a gift

  16. We are fortunate enough not to have bears in our immediate neighborhood (I think!) but there have been sightings in the town where one of the trails we like to exercise on is. I would not be happy if I was you but I don't know if it's even possible to scare them off.

  17. Chokecherries for main course with ants for dessert. I wonder if the bear is fattening up for winter already.

  18. I guess we call that bear scat, but I guess you wish the bear would scat too.

  19. He's making a mess! Thank goodness he will be hibernating soon!

  20. That bear is a nuisance, wonder if he will move on.

  21. In 3 of my bear encounters, they have run from me. But that was when I was out picking berries in the woods. Apparently none were mothers with cubs. Three years ago a bear took down all the nieghbor's black berry bushes not 10 feet from their house.

    I've seen that scat a few times but bears don't stay around here too long it seems. Only 3 bears in 30 years.
    Yeah, most of them would be afraid of the noise from the mower.
    You live such a life!

    1. I think your bear is a big problem. Maybe playing classical music outside would keep it away. al night.


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