Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Gone to the dogs

 Little Elvis and Sadie were very happy to see us!  Little Elvis took his sleeping spot at the foot of my bed on his special dog bed.  Sadie was a frequent visitor in the evening and in the early morning.  What can I say ...she loves us.  

Here she is sharing the sexy red bra she was carrying around.  Far Guy is one of her bestest friends! 

She is all retriever!  It is her job. 

Far Guy and I both had Doctor appointments.  

The Cardiologist said Far Guy is doing good and he should come back in six months. 

My Doctor is reducing one of my blood pressure meds in hopes that I regain some lost kidney function.  He will run more blood tests in a month.   He wants me to follow up with Orthopedics to discuss injections in my knee and hip before thinking about surgery.  He was not well versed in Rheumatology to offer an opinion on RA meds.  Pain meds would probably have the bad side effects like the Cymbalta.  ( I never want to do that withdrawl again.) He suggested an alternative to pain meds...and since we live in Minnesota where more options are legal I will give that a try. 

Far Side


  1. Although I had a retriever once, I never had an issue with bras of any color. Instead, I could never find my other sock!

  2. Such a shame that we don't have Chinese and Far Eastern medicinals ... I'm not sure I believe in them, but modern medicine ... modern meds are useful and good...but sometimes there are people whose bodies cannot deal with the chemicals involved. It has a cascading effect of side effects.

    I sure hope you find relief.

  3. Go get my undies, Sadie! Service dog for sure.

  4. Of course Sadie loves you. How could she not? :-)

  5. Sadie is just precious! We used to have a golden that was so loving. I really miss her. Glad your appointment went well!

  6. I'm glad you have a doctor who is open to non-traditional options.

  7. I agree with Val. Hope you find the "alternative medicine" works better than all the other stuff they have been subjecting you to.

  8. Sadie always makes me smile and chuckle. Sounds like you and FarGuy have found good doctors.

  9. I definitely hope you find some relief with new meds.

    Silly Sadie! I'm sure the owner of that bra would appreciate her picking up something else instead.

  10. Sweet Sadie...she was retrieving what she thought far guy wanted. She is a beautiful do. glad things went well for you both at the doctor visits. I have had those injections in my knee and they have worked great. I don't like taking meds due to all the side effects. hope injections work as well for you.

  11. Sounds like you have a good doctor who really cares about his patients.
    Sadie is such a sweetheart!!

  12. I hope that your optional choices can help without side effects. You deserve a break!!!!!
    And six months! Great news!
    What fun granddogs you have!!

  13. Sadie is all dog. They went crazy because they have company. I hope chcnge of meds will help.

  14. Who's bra had Sadie retrieved?
    When we are in pain we will try pretty much anything to get rid of it

  15. You have some nasty challenges. I hope they find some solutions for you.

  16. Sadie might be in trouble. :-)
    Keeping up with all of the various pains and afflictions is a pain.

  17. I just love both of those babies. Little Elvis is so sweet and Sadie is wonderful. I showed Dennis the photo of her taking her "gift" to Far Guy. He got a kick out of it. :-) I'm glad you got some answers anyway at your doctors appointments. I understand going off the cymbalta issues. I'm terrified to do it but would love to stop taking it too. I'm going to talk to my doctor next week about other alternatives for my back issues. Maybe an ablation like Nancy at Wyoming Breezes did. We'll see. Hopefully your alternative med works. :-)

  18. I had written a comment earlier and either on my internet or yours, it couldn't find where it was going.
    My thought is you try the alternative because your body is very sensitive to manmade chemicals. You deserve some quality of life and less pain. Also - - - very happy that you and the dogs had a great visit.

  19. Always love to see the pups! The pic of Sadie is hysterical!
    You'll have to let me know if you try any of the alternatives and how they work for you. :)

  20. I've seen a variety of dog toys in my day but never one like that! LOL! Sadie is a hoot for sure. Glad the appointments went well but sorry to hear about your joint pain.


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